There are a total of 969 11-letter words ending in 'ic', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- acatalectic 21
- achondritic 21
- acidimetric 21
- acidophilic 24
- acrocentric 21
- acromegalic 23
- adaptogenic 21
- aerodynamic 21
- aeroelastic 15
- agoraphobic 24
- albuminuric 24
- alchemistic 23
- algorithmic 22
- allographic 23
- allomorphic 24
- amenorrheic 20
- amphimictic 28
- amphipathic 27
- amphiphilic 28
- amyotrophic 24
- anacoluthic 22
- anacreontic 19
- anaesthetic 17
- analemmatic 22
- anarchistic 20
- anastomotic 18
- androcratic 19
- anemometric 21
- animalistic 19
- animatronic 19
- aniseikonic 20
- anisotropic 18
- anomalistic 19
- anthracitic 20
- anthranilic 19
- antimitotic 18
- antipyretic 20
- apocalyptic 26
- aponeurotic 19
- aposiopetic 20
- apostrophic 22
- arachidonic 21
- archangelic 23
- archeologic 22
- areocentric 18
- astrometric 17
- astronautic 16
- atherogenic 19
- atmospheric 22
- audiometric 19
- autographic 22
- autotrophic 20
- auxotrophic 27
- axonometric 25
- azoospermic 29
- bacteraemic 23
- barographic 24
- barycentric 23
- batholithic 22
- bathymetric 24
- bibliopegic 26
- bimorphemic 28
- bioclimatic 24
- bioelectric 21
- biologistic 20
- biorhythmic 26
- biquadratic 28
- blastematic 21
- blastoporic 21
- borborygmic 27
- bulimarexic 29
- cabbalistic 24
- cacodemonic 25
- calisthenic 21
- camouflagic 27
- carbocyclic 29
- cardiogenic 21
- cardiotonic 19
- cataclastic 21
- cataclysmic 26
- cataplectic 24
- catechistic 22
- centromeric 21
- ceroplastic 21
- chalcedonic 25
- chameleonic 24
- charismatic 22
- chemotactic 25
- chernozemic 32
- cholestatic 20
- cholesteric 20
- cholinergic 23
- chromatinic 23
- chromogenic 25
- chromomeric 25
- chronologic 23
- cisatlantic 19
- climacteric 24
- coenzymatic 32
- colouristic 19
- columnistic 23
- comedogenic 24
- communistic 25
- conspecific 27
- copolymeric 26
- coprophagic 27
- coulometric 22
- cryptogamic 27
- cryptogenic 25
- cryptologic 25
- cyberphobic 30
- cyclopaedic 27
- cyclothymic 30
- cystoscopic 25
- cytogenetic 22
- cytokinetic 24
- cytomegalic 25
- cytoplasmic 26
- demographic 25
- dendrologic 20
- dialogistic 18
- diamagnetic 21
- diaphoretic 20
- diastrophic 20
- dichromatic 23
- dissyllabic 22
- dithyrambic 25
- dramaturgic 21
- duopolistic 20
- dyslogistic 20
- dysrhythmic 26
- econometric 21
- ectomorphic 25
- ectoplasmic 24
- ectothermic 22
- ectotrophic 22
- elastomeric 18
- embryogenic 25
- embryologic 25
- encomiastic 21
- endocentric 20
- endocytotic 21
- endoglossic 19
- endomitotic 19
- endomorphic 24
- endoplasmic 23
- endothermic 21
- endotrophic 21
- engrammatic 23
- epeirogenic 20
- epiphytotic 24
- epithalamic 23
- equicaloric 28
- erythristic 18
- esemplastic 21
- eucharistic 20
- euchromatic 23
- eudiometric 19
- euphemistic 23
- eurythermic 22
- feldspathic 24
- fetishistic 19
- feudalistic 20
- fibrocystic 25
- formalistic 21
- fungistatic 21
- gametogenic 22
- gastrocolic 20
- gastronomic 20
- geomagnetic 22
- geostrophic 21
- geotectonic 20
- gibberellic 24
- glauconitic 22
- glossolalic 19
- gnotobiotic 20
- goitrogenic 19
- gongoristic 19
- goniometric 20
- gramophonic 25
- granolithic 20
- granophyric 24
- gravimetric 23
- gynecologic 25
- gynocentric 23
- gynogenetic 22
- haemophilic 25
- haemostatic 19
- haggadistic 21
- hagioscopic 24
- halomorphic 25
- hebephrenic 25
- heliometric 20
- heliotropic 20
- hematologic 22
- hemimorphic 27
- hemispheric 24
- hemodynamic 26
- hemopoietic 22
- hemorrhagic 23
- hepatotoxic 26
- hermeneutic 21
- heterogonic 19
- heterolytic 19
- heteronymic 22
- heterotopic 19
- heterotypic 21
- hierocratic 19
- histiocytic 21
- holoblastic 21
- holographic 24
- homeopathic 24
- homeostatic 19
- homocentric 23
- homogametic 24
- homographic 26
- homomorphic 27
- homoplastic 23
- homothallic 23
- hornblendic 23
- hydrobromic 25
- hydrocyanic 25
- hydrometric 22
- hydropathic 24
- hydrophilic 25
- hydrophobic 27
- hydrophytic 26
- hydrostatic 19
- hydrotropic 22
- hygrometric 23
- hygrophytic 27
- hygroscopic 26
- hylomorphic 27
- hylozoistic 28
- hypercapnic 28
- hypercritic 24
- hypermetric 24
- hypermnesic 25
- hyperphagic 28
- hyperstatic 21
- hypesthetic 23
- hypnopompic 31
- hypogastric 23
- hypogonadic 25
- hypokalemic 29
- hypomorphic 29
- hypoplastic 25
- hypothermic 26
- hypovolemic 29
- hypsometric 24
- ideogrammic 23
- ideographic 22
- idioblastic 19
- idiographic 22
- idiomorphic 23
- immunogenic 25
- immunologic 25
- inauthentic 19
- infographic 25
- interatomic 18
- interethnic 18
- intervallic 21
- ionospheric 20
- isallobaric 19
- isoelectric 18
- isorhythmic 23
- ithyphallic 25
- jargonistic 26
- kinesthetic 21
- kinnikinnic 26
- kymographic 30
- laccolithic 24
- leukoplakic 28
- logarithmic 22
- logocentric 21
- logographic 24
- logorrhoeic 19
- luteotropic 19
- lymphocytic 30
- macrobiotic 23
- macrocosmic 26
- macrocyclic 29
- macrophagic 27
- macrophytic 27
- macroscopic 26
- manneristic 19
- martensitic 18
- masochistic 22
- mastodontic 19
- mechanistic 23
- mediumistic 22
- megalomanic 24
- melancholic 25
- melioristic 18
- mentalistic 19
- meroblastic 21
- meromorphic 25
- mesogastric 19
- mesomorphic 25
- mesonephric 23
- mesopelagic 23
- mesophyllic 26
- mesospheric 22
- mesotrophic 22
- metabolomic 24
- metacentric 21
- metagenetic 20
- metallurgic 22
- metamorphic 25
- metanephric 23
- metaplastic 21
- metasomatic 20
- methacrylic 25
- methodistic 20
- microcosmic 26
- microlithic 23
- microphagic 27
- microphonic 26
- microscopic 26
- mineralogic 21
- modernistic 19
- monochromic 26
- monogastric 20
- monogenetic 21
- monographic 25
- monomorphic 26
- monotechnic 24
- monozygotic 31
- morphogenic 25
- morphologic 25
- multiethnic 22
- multiphasic 24
- mutualistic 20
- mycotrophic 27
- myelopathic 25
- myoelectric 23
- mythopoetic 24
- narcoleptic 22
- nasogastric 17
- natriuretic 16
- necrobiotic 21
- necromantic 22
- necrophilic 24
- negentropic 21
- neologistic 18
- nephrotoxic 27
- neuroleptic 20
- neuropathic 21
- neurotropic 19
- neutropenic 20
- nomographic 25
- nonacademic 23
- nonallergic 20
- nonanalytic 20
- nonanatomic 20
- nonaromatic 19
- nonartistic 16
- nonathletic 19
- nondiabetic 20
- nondidactic 21
- nondogmatic 22
- nondomestic 20
- nondramatic 20
- noneconomic 23
- nonelectric 20
- nonemphatic 24
- nonharmonic 22
- nonmagnetic 22
- nonmetallic 21
- nonoperatic 19
- nonorgasmic 21
- nonphonemic 25
- nonphonetic 22
- nonspecific 25
- nonsyllabic 23
- nonsymbolic 25
- nonsystemic 21
- nontheistic 18
- nonvolcanic 25
- nosographic 22
- nyctinastic 21
- obscurantic 22
- ochlocratic 23
- oestrogenic 17
- oleographic 22
- ontogenetic 18
- optokinetic 22
- orthodontic 18
- orthodromic 20
- orthopaedic 20
- orthoscopic 22
- orthostatic 16
- orthotropic 19
- osteopathic 19
- osteophytic 21
- pachydermic 28
- paederastic 18
- paedodontic 20
- palindromic 23
- palynologic 24
- pantheistic 20
- pantothenic 21
- paracentric 21
- paragenetic 20
- paragraphic 24
- parallactic 22
- paraparetic 20
- parapsychic 27
- parenthetic 20
- paresthetic 19
- pedogenetic 21
- pericentric 21
- peridotitic 18
- peripatetic 20
- peristaltic 18
- pessimistic 20
- philopatric 23
- philosophic 25
- phonogramic 25
- phonotactic 23
- photometric 22
- photomosaic 22
- photophobic 27
- photostatic 19
- phototactic 22
- phototropic 22
- physiologic 24
- piezometric 29
- pinocytotic 23
- planimetric 22
- plasmolytic 24
- pleiotropic 21
- pleomorphic 26
- pluralistic 20
- plutocratic 22
- polycentric 24
- polygenetic 23
- polyglottic 23
- polygraphic 27
- polymorphic 28
- polytechnic 26
- porphyritic 24
- postclassic 21
- postgenomic 23
- postvocalic 25
- prebiologic 23
- prediabetic 21
- predynastic 21
- preelectric 21
- prehistoric 19
- preromantic 21
- presynaptic 23
- problematic 24
- procephalic 26
- proctologic 23
- prokaryotic 23
- proteolytic 20
- prothoracic 22
- protopathic 22
- protostelic 18
- psilophytic 25
- psittacotic 20
- psychedelic 26
- psychiatric 24
- psychogenic 27
- psychologic 27
- publicistic 25
- pyroclastic 23
- pyrotechnic 25
- pyroxenitic 27
- racialistic 18
- radiometric 18
- radiophonic 21
- radioscopic 21
- renographic 22
- retinotopic 18
- ribonucleic 23
- ritualistic 16
- sampladelic 23
- saprophytic 24
- schizogenic 31
- schizogonic 31
- scholiastic 20
- sciagraphic 24
- scientistic 18
- seborrhoeic 19
- semiaquatic 27
- semiclassic 21
- seminomadic 22
- septicaemic 23
- shamanistic 20
- skiagraphic 25
- socialistic 18
- sociometric 20
- sociopathic 22
- solipsistic 18
- somesthetic 19
- sonographic 22
- spasmolytic 23
- spherulitic 21
- sphincteric 23
- spiritistic 17
- spirometric 20
- sporophytic 24
- stalactitic 18
- stalagmitic 20
- staurolitic 16
- steatopygic 21
- stenobathic 20
- stereotaxic 21
- stereotypic 19
- stylometric 20
- subharmonic 24
- subspecific 27
- sycophantic 25
- syllogistic 20
- symbolistic 23
- sympathetic 24
- symptomatic 25
- synecdochic 26
- synergistic 19
- synesthetic 19
- syntagmatic 22
- tachymetric 24
- taurocholic 21
- tauromachic 23
- technologic 23
- telegraphic 22
- telekinetic 20
- telocentric 19
- teratogenic 17
- teratologic 17
- terroristic 14
- tetracyclic 23
- tetraplegic 20
- tetrasporic 17
- thalassemic 20
- theocentric 20
- theodolitic 18
- theorematic 19
- therapeutic 20
- thermobaric 22
- thermoduric 21
- thermogenic 22
- thermolytic 22
- thixotropic 26
- thyrotropic 21
- titrimetric 17
- tomographic 24
- topocentric 21
- topographic 24
- toxicologic 27
- toxoplasmic 28
- transuranic 17
- tribalistic 18
- trisyllabic 21
- tritheistic 16
- troglodytic 20
- tumorigenic 21
- typographic 26
- ulcerogenic 22
- unaesthetic 18
- unauthentic 20
- uncinematic 23
- uneccentric 23
- unenergetic 19
- unidiomatic 20
- unpatriotic 19
- unpragmatic 24
- unrealistic 17
- vandalistic 21
- vasospastic 21
- venographic 26
- verbalistic 22
- violinistic 20
- viscometric 24
- voodooistic 19
- voyeuristic 21
- xenocrystic 27
- xerographic 28
- xerothermic 26
- xylographic 31
- zygomorphic 35
- disharmonic 19
- geoeconomic 18
- germophobic 23
- hypochromic 28
- kabbalistic 21
- nonbaryonic 18
- paleolithic 18
- periplasmic 19
- seismologic 16
- abiogenetic 16
- abiotrophic 20
- acataleptic 17
- adiathermic 19
- aeolotropic 15
- alloplasmic 17
- alloplastic 15
- amphibiotic 22
- amphichroic 25
- amphiprotic 22
- anaplerotic 15
- anglophilic 19
- anglophobic 21
- anglophonic 19
- anisometric 15
- anticlastic 15
- antimycotic 20
- antispastic 15
- araeometric 15
- archenteric 18
- areographic 19
- arthromeric 18
- asplanchnic 20
- astraphobic 20
- astrophobic 20
- asynartetic 16
- atelectatic 15
- autecologic 16
- autogenetic 14
- autokinetic 17
- automorphic 20
- autoplastic 15
- bathometric 20
- bathylithic 24
- bibliopolic 19
- biocoenotic 17
- bisymmetric 22
- blastogenic 16
- blastomeric 17
- blepharitic 20
- bradypeptic 23
- butenedioic 16
- cacoepistic 19
- cacogastric 18
- cacographic 23
- cantharidic 19
- cartophilic 20
- catacaustic 17
- cataclasmic 19
- catallactic 17
- cataplastic 17
- cathedratic 19
- cenesthetic 18
- cenogenetic 16
- centimetric 17
- centrobaric 17
- centrosomic 17
- cephalalgic 21
- cerographic 21
- charlatanic 18
- chasmogamic 23
- chemosmotic 22
- chemotropic 22
- chiromantic 20
- chloracetic 20
- chromonemic 22
- chrysolitic 21
- cinchoninic 20
- citharistic 18
- clinometric 17
- coelenteric 15
- coprophilic 22
- cormophytic 25
- cosmocratic 19
- cosmothetic 20
- curialistic 15
- cycloplegic 23
- cymographic 26
- cystocarpic 22
- cytoplastic 20
- decameronic 18
- decanedioic 17
- demonologic 17
- densimetric 16
- desmodromic 19
- dexiotropic 23
- diastematic 16
- diotheletic 17
- dioxonitric 21
- diphthongic 23
- diplococcic 22
- disulphuric 19
- doxographic 27
- dyotheletic 20
- dyothelitic 20
- dysharmonic 22
- dyspathetic 22
- economistic 17
- ecospecific 22
- ectoblastic 17
- ectogenetic 16
- ectoplastic 17
- emmenagogic 19
- emphyteutic 23
- empiricutic 19
- endoblastic 16
- endoplastic 16
- endospermic 18
- entoblastic 15
- entomologic 16
- enzymolytic 30
- epanaleptic 17
- epilogistic 16
- epithymetic 23
- erythematic 21
- ethanedioic 17
- ferricyanic 21
- ferrocyanic 21
- fetichistic 21
- formulistic 18
- freemasonic 18
- gamogenetic 17
- glaciologic 17
- glottogonic 15
- glycophytic 27
- gonorrhoeic 17
- graphologic 20
- graptolitic 16
- halobiontic 18
- hapaxanthic 28
- haptotropic 20
- harmonistic 18
- heliolithic 19
- heliophobic 23
- helioscopic 20
- heliostatic 16
- heliotactic 18
- helispheric 21
- hemeralopic 20
- hemianoptic 20
- heresthetic 19
- hetaerismic 18
- hetaeristic 16
- hetairismic 18
- hetairistic 16
- heterogenic 17
- heterotaxic 23
- hexahemeric 28
- hexastichic 28
- hierophobic 23
- hippodromic 23
- hodographic 23
- holobenthic 21
- holocaustic 18
- holomorphic 23
- homoblastic 20
- homoeomeric 20
- homoeotypic 23
- homogenetic 19
- homophyllic 26
- homothermic 23
- homozygotic 31
- hudibrastic 19
- hydnocarpic 24
- hydrargyric 24
- hydrochoric 25
- hydromantic 22
- hydroscopic 24
- hydrotactic 22
- hypallactic 23
- hyperemetic 23
- hyperinotic 21
- hypesthesic 24
- hypnotistic 21
- hypoblastic 23
- hyposthenic 24
- idioplasmic 18
- immunotoxic 24
- intradermic 16
- isapostolic 15
- isomagnetic 16
- kenogenetic 18
- kinesiatric 17
- labyrinthic 21
- lagomorphic 21
- leptokurtic 19
- leucocratic 17
- leucodermic 18
- leukodermic 20
- lexigraphic 26
- lithophytic 24
- lithostatic 16
- lithotritic 16
- liturgistic 14
- logogriphic 20
- lysigenetic 17
- magistratic 16
- mammonistic 19
- matriarchic 20
- matriclinic 17
- matroclinic 17
- mechatronic 20
- menorrhagic 19
- merogenetic 16
- mesoblastic 17
- metaplasmic 19
- metapsychic 25
- metasilicic 17
- metavanadic 19
- micrometric 19
- microphytic 25
- microsmatic 19
- microsporic 19
- misoneistic 15
- mithradatic 19
- mithridatic 19
- mitogenetic 16
- mixotrophic 27
- monodelphic 21
- monostichic 20
- monotrichic 20
- necrophobic 22
- necroscopic 19
- nitrometric 15
- nostradamic 16
- nyctitropic 20
- nyctophobic 25
- ochlophobic 25
- octanedioic 16
- odontogenic 15
- odontologic 15
- oreographic 19
- orthophyric 24
- osteodermic 16
- oxidimetric 23
- oxycephalic 30
- paedophilic 21
- palaeotypic 20
- panhellenic 18
- pantoscopic 19
- parabematic 19
- parablastic 17
- parableptic 19
- paracrostic 17
- paramorphic 22
- paranephric 20
- paraselenic 15
- parotiditic 16
- paroxytonic 25
- pasigraphic 21
- patriclinic 17
- patroclinic 17
- pentacyclic 22
- periclastic 17
- perigastric 16
- perihepatic 20
- perimorphic 22
- perinephric 20
- periodontic 16
- periostitic 15
- perispermic 19
- peritonitic 15
- permanganic 18
- persulfuric 18
- phaenogamic 21
- phagedaenic 20
- phantomatic 20
- pharyngitic 22
- phellogenic 19
- philomathic 23
- phlebotomic 22
- phonometric 20
- photobathic 23
- photonastic 18
- photophilic 23
- photophonic 23
- phrenologic 19
- phylacteric 23
- phytophagic 27
- planometric 17
- plasmagenic 18
- platykurtic 22
- pleximetric 24
- poliorcetic 17
- polychromic 25
- polyploidic 21
- polytrophic 23
- procaryotic 20
- protolithic 18
- protophilic 20
- protophytic 23
- psychodelic 24
- psychonomic 25
- psychotoxic 30
- ptyalagogic 20
- pycnometric 22
- pyrogenetic 19
- pyrognostic 19
- pyrographic 24
- pyrovanadic 22
- quodlibetic 25
- rabbinistic 17
- rheomorphic 23
- rhinoscopic 20
- rhizocarpic 29
- rhotacistic 18
- salpingitic 16
- saprobiotic 17
- saussuritic 13
- scopophilic 22
- semeiologic 16
- semifluidic 19
- semivocalic 20
- serigraphic 19
- serpentinic 15
- somatogenic 16
- somatologic 16
- somatotonic 15
- somnambulic 19
- sovietistic 16
- sparagmatic 18
- sphragistic 19
- spodomantic 18
- spondylitic 19
- sporocystic 20
- sporophoric 20
- statolithic 16
- stenotropic 15
- stereobatic 15
- stereosonic 13
- strategetic 14
- subeconomic 19
- symmetallic 20
- synanthetic 19
- syndesmotic 19
- synecologic 19
- synkaryonic 23
- synonymatic 21
- synoptistic 18
- syssarcotic 18
- tachometric 20
- taphephobic 25
- tautometric 15
- tautophonic 18
- technomusic 20
- telegnostic 14
- telegrammic 18
- telesthetic 16
- theomorphic 23
- theotechnic 21
- thermotaxic 25
- tonsillitic 13
- tourmalinic 15
- toxicogenic 23
- transvestic 16
- trichinotic 18
- trichogynic 22
- trichotomic 20
- trioxoboric 22
- tromometric 17
- tropismatic 17
- tropophytic 23
- unapostolic 15
- ungrammatic 18
- unprophetic 20
- videophonic 22
- voltametric 18
- welfaristic 19
- xenogenetic 21
- xenomorphic 27
- xenoplastic 22
- xeromorphic 27
- zoanthropic 27
- zoocephalic 29
- zoomagnetic 25
- zootheistic 25
- zymotechnic 32
There are 969 11-letter words ending in ic in the well-known word game dictionary, 492 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 926 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 583 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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