11 Letter Words List (30114)
- information 19
- development 24
- association 15
- application 22
- corporation 18
- established 18
- temperature 18
- performance 24
- significant 21
- appropriate 20
- engineering 18
- regulations 16
- individuals 20
- opportunity 21
- immediately 21
- educational 18
- independent 19
- examination 23
- maintenance 20
- description 19
- environment 21
- proceedings 21
- legislation 16
- differences 22
- agriculture 19
- improvement 25
- publication 23
- responsible 19
- interesting 15
- represented 16
- combination 22
- instruction 17
- institution 14
- alternative 17
- substantial 17
- preparation 18
- experiments 25
- recommended 23
- legislative 19
- competition 21
- composition 21
- determining 19
- legislature 16
- authorities 14
- traditional 14
- advertising 19
- certificate 20
- possibility 20
- consumption 23
- requirement 25
- cooperation 18
- communities 22
- enforcement 22
- necessarily 18
- limitations 16
- fundamental 22
- measurement 19
- governments 22
- departments 19
- distributed 17
- instruments 17
- recognition 18
- arrangement 18
- statistical 15
- explanation 24
- constructed 20
- preliminary 21
- illustrated 15
- appointment 22
- transferred 16
- experienced 26
- obligations 18
- observation 19
- outstanding 17
- practically 24
- acquisition 25
- experiences 25
- accordingly 24
- partnership 20
- manufacture 23
- accompanied 25
- conclusions 21
- cooperative 21
- considering 19
- interaction 16
- probability 23
- circulation 20
- transaction 16
- competitive 24
- consequence 29
- essentially 16
- supervision 20
- perspective 24
- furthermore 20
- theoretical 17
- distinction 17
- destruction 17
- personality 18
- effectively 27
- declaration 17
- disposition 16
- maintaining 19
- comparative 24
- participate 20
- surrounding 18
- mathematics 22
- contributed 20
- collections 20
- translation 14
- demonstrate 16
- integration 15
- investments 20
- liabilities 16
- controlling 20
- correlation 16
- definitions 17
- proposition 18
- expenditure 24
- termination 16
- commodities 21
- suggestions 17
- achievement 24
- utilization 23
- populations 20
- involvement 25
- inhabitants 18
- electricity 20
- discussions 17
- replacement 22
- subdivision 21
- continental 18
- merchandise 21
- progressive 20
- equilibrium 29
- enterprises 15
- connections 20
- programming 25
- operational 16
- residential 14
- complicated 25
- respondents 17
- exclusively 30
- controversy 21
- prosecution 19
- coefficient 24
- transmitted 16
- unnecessary 19
- contractors 18
- photographs 23
- imagination 18
- immigration 20
- anticipated 19
- undoubtedly 22
- sensitivity 18
- orientation 13
- calculation 21
- specialized 28
- reliability 18
- dimensional 18
- researchers 16
- encountered 18
- arbitration 15
- resolutions 14
- restoration 12
- exploration 23
- intelligent 17
- constitutes 16
- assumptions 19
- investigate 18
- contracting 21
- adjustments 26
- comfortable 24
- convenience 24
- affirmative 24
- supervisors 19
- interpreted 16
- assessments 15
- procurement 22
- constituted 17
- reservation 16
How many 11 letter words are there in different dictionaries?
The number of 11-letter words varies in different word game dictionaries
- There are 17087 11-letter words in the Scrabble US Dictionary (NWL - contains Scrabble words from the NASPA word list, formerly TWL).
- There are 27893 11-letter words in the Scrabble UK Dictionary (CSW - contains Scrabble words from Collins Scrabble Words).
- There are 19697 11-letter words in the Words With Friends Dictionary (WWF).
What are the most common 11-letter words?
The most common 30 11-letter words are(sort by frequency descending):
What are the 10 11-letter words with the most points?
Scrabble US(NWL) | razzamatazz(49 points), quizzically(43 points), showbizzier(37 points), hydroxyzine(37 points), bumfuzzling(37 points), jazzinesses(36 points), kolkhozniks(35 points), kolkhozniki(35 points), jabberwocky(34 points), hypopharynx(34 points). |
Scrabble UK(CSW) | razzamatazz(49 points), quizzifying(45 points), quizzically(43 points), zwischenzug(38 points), schemozzled(37 points), hydroxyzine(37 points), bumfuzzling(37 points), schemozzles(36 points), jazzinesses(36 points), zugzwanging(35 points). |
Word With Friends(WWF) | razzamatazz(50 points), quizzically(46 points), dizzymaking(42 points), jazzercises(41 points), buckjumping(41 points), zigzaggedly(39 points), objectivize(39 points), jazzinesses(39 points), blackjacked(39 points), schemozzles(38 points). |
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