There are a total of 3064 11-letter words containing 'ic', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- abdications 19
- abiological 21
- abiotically 21
- abstricting 20
- academicals 22
- academician 22
- academicism 24
- acatalectic 21
- accomplices 27
- acerbically 24
- achondritic 21
- acidimetric 21
- acidophilic 24
- acoustician 19
- acrocentric 21
- acromegalic 23
- actinically 22
- adaptogenic 21
- addictively 23
- adjudicated 27
- adjudicates 26
- adjudicator 26
- adminicular 21
- aerobically 21
- aerobicised 18
- aerobicists 17
- aerobicized 27
- aerodynamic 21
- aeroelastic 15
- aerological 18
- aeromedical 19
- aeronautics 16
- aeronomical 19
- aerostatics 14
- aesthetical 17
- afficionado 22
- afflictions 22
- affricative 24
- aficionadas 19
- aficionados 19
- agnosticism 20
- agoraphobic 24
- agriculture 19
- agronomical 21
- ahistorical 17
- airsickness 19
- albuminuric 24
- alchemistic 23
- alembicated 22
- algebraical 21
- algolagnics 21
- algological 21
- algorithmic 22
- allegorical 19
- allographic 23
- allomorphic 24
- amatriciana 18
- amenorrheic 20
- amicability 23
- amoxicillin 27
- amphictyony 27
- amphimictic 28
- amphipathic 27
- amphiphilic 28
- ampicillins 23
- amplexicaul 30
- amyotrophic 24
- anacoluthic 22
- anacreontic 19
- anaesthetic 17
- analemmatic 22
- analyticity 20
- anarchistic 20
- anastomotic 18
- androcratic 19
- anecdotical 20
- anemometric 21
- anesthetics 17
- angelically 22
- anglicising 21
- anglicizing 30
- animalistic 19
- animatronic 19
- aniseikonic 20
- anisotropic 18
- anomalistic 19
- anthracitic 20
- anthranilic 19
- anthropical 21
- antibiotics 18
- anticathode 18
- anticipants 19
- anticipated 19
- anticipates 18
- anticipator 18
- anticruelty 19
- anticyclone 22
- antiemetics 18
- antilogical 19
- antimitotic 18
- antimusical 20
- antipyretic 20
- antiradical 17
- antiseptics 18
- antisuicide 17
- antitypical 21
- anxiolytics 25
- aphetically 23
- apicultural 21
- apicultures 20
- apocalyptic 26
- apologetics 20
- aponeurotic 19
- aposiopetic 20
- apostatical 18
- apostrophic 22
- application 22
- applicative 25
- applicators 21
- applicatory 23
- apprenticed 22
- apprentices 21
- aquatically 28
- aquiculture 27
- arabicizing 29
- arachidonic 21
- archaically 23
- archangelic 23
- archeologic 22
- arenicolous 17
- areocentric 18
- areological 18
- arhythmical 24
- arithmetics 19
- aromaticity 19
- arselickers 19
- arselicking 22
- articulable 20
- articulated 17
- articulates 16
- articulator 16
- ascetically 21
- asceticisms 20
- aseptically 21
- asthmaticus 20
- astigmatics 19
- astrometric 17
- astronautic 16
- atheistical 17
- atherogenic 19
- athleticism 20
- atmospheric 22
- atomicities 17
- atypicality 22
- audiometric 19
- autarchical 21
- autographic 22
- autotrophic 20
- auxotrophic 27
- avicularium 24
- avicultural 22
- avicultures 21
- awestricken 22
- axiological 25
- axonometric 25
- azoospermic 29
- babelicious 22
- bacteraemic 23
- bactericide 21
- barographic 24
- barricading 21
- barricadoed 19
- barricadoes 18
- barycentric 23
- batholithic 22
- bathymetric 24
- beauticians 19
- beggarticks 25
- bellicosely 22
- bellicosity 21
- benedicites 19
- benediction 20
- benedictory 21
- beneficence 25
- beneficiary 23
- beneficiate 21
- bibliopegic 26
- bicarbonate 21
- bicentenary 21
- bicephalous 24
- bichromated 23
- bichromates 22
- bicoloureds 20
- bicomponent 25
- biconcavity 27
- biconvexity 31
- billsticker 23
- bimetallics 22
- bimorphemic 28
- biochemical 26
- bioclimatic 24
- biodynamics 24
- bioelectric 21
- bioethicist 19
- biologicals 21
- biologistic 20
- biomedicine 22
- biometrical 21
- biophysical 25
- bioplastics 21
- biorhythmic 26
- biquadratic 28
- blastematic 21
- blastoporic 21
- bootlickers 22
- bootlicking 25
- borborygmic 27
- botanically 22
- brainsickly 25
- breadsticks 22
- brickfields 26
- bricklayers 24
- bricklaying 27
- brideprices 21
- bronchitics 23
- broomsticks 24
- bryological 23
- bucolically 26
- bulimarexic 29
- cabbalistic 24
- cacodemonic 25
- calcicolous 23
- calendrical 21
- calisthenic 21
- calorically 22
- camouflagic 27
- canalicular 21
- canaliculus 22
- candlestick 24
- candlewicks 27
- canonically 23
- cantatrices 18
- capriccioso 23
- carbocyclic 29
- cardiogenic 21
- cardiotonic 19
- caricatural 19
- caricatured 19
- caricatures 18
- carsickness 22
- casuistical 19
- cataclastic 21
- cataclysmic 26
- catalectics 21
- cataleptics 21
- cataplectic 24
- catechetics 22
- catechistic 22
- categorical 20
- catholicate 20
- catholicity 22
- catholicize 29
- catholicons 21
- caustically 22
- cellulosics 21
- centrically 22
- centromeric 21
- ceramicists 20
- ceroplastic 21
- certificate 20
- chalcedonic 25
- chameleonic 24
- chanticleer 21
- chaotically 23
- charismatic 22
- chelicerate 20
- chemotactic 25
- chernozemic 32
- cherrypicks 28
- chicaneries 20
- chickabiddy 30
- chickenfeed 28
- chickenhawk 33
- chickenshit 26
- chickenwire 27
- chimaerical 23
- chimichanga 27
- chimichurri 25
- chocaholics 25
- chocoholics 25
- cholestatic 20
- cholesteric 20
- cholinergic 23
- chromatinic 23
- chromogenic 25
- chromomeric 25
- chronically 24
- chroniclers 21
- chronicling 24
- chronologic 23
- chylomicron 26
- cicatricial 21
- cicatrising 20
- cicatrizing 29
- cicisbeisms 23
- cisatlantic 19
- classically 22
- classicised 19
- classicises 18
- classicisms 21
- classicists 18
- classicized 28
- classicizes 27
- clavichords 25
- clericalism 22
- clericalist 19
- clickstream 25
- climacteric 24
- cliometrics 21
- cliticising 21
- cliticizing 30
- clonicities 19
- cockatrices 24
- codicillary 22
- coefficient 24
- coenzymatic 32
- colchicines 24
- colouristic 19
- columnistic 23
- comedically 25
- comedogenic 24
- comicstrips 23
- communicant 26
- communicate 25
- communistic 25
- complicated 25
- complicates 24
- conflictful 27
- conflicting 25
- confliction 23
- conflictive 26
- conflictual 24
- conspecific 27
- conspicuity 24
- conspicuous 23
- constricted 19
- constrictor 18
- contradicts 19
- conventicle 24
- convictions 23
- copernicium 25
- copolymeric 26
- coprophagic 27
- cortication 18
- cosmetician 21
- cosmeticize 29
- coulometric 22
- coxcombical 34
- criticality 20
- criticaster 17
- criticisers 17
- criticising 20
- criticizers 26
- criticizing 29
- cryonically 24
- cryptically 26
- cryptogamic 27
- cryptogenic 25
- cryptologic 25
- cupronickel 27
- curriculums 24
- cybernetics 23
- cyberphobic 30
- cyclicality 26
- cyclicities 23
- cyclopaedic 27
- cyclothymic 30
- cylindrical 23
- cysticercus 23
- cystoscopic 25
- cytogenetic 22
- cytokinetic 24
- cytological 23
- cytomegalic 25
- cytoplasmic 26
- cytostatics 19
- czareviches 32
- deconflicts 23
- decorticate 18
- dedicatedly 20
- dedications 17
- deficiently 22
- deictically 22
- deification 19
- deistically 19
- delicencing 23
- delicensing 20
- deliciously 20
- delphically 25
- demiurgical 22
- demographic 25
- demonically 23
- dendrologic 20
- denticulate 18
- dentifrices 19
- dereliction 17
- derestricts 15
- desiccating 21
- desiccation 19
- desiccative 22
- desiccators 18
- detoxicants 23
- detoxicated 23
- detoxicates 22
- diacritical 19
- diagnostics 18
- dialectical 20
- dialogistic 18
- diamagnetic 21
- diametrical 19
- diaphoretic 20
- diastrophic 20
- dichogamies 22
- dichogamous 23
- dichotomies 20
- dichotomise 20
- dichotomist 20
- dichotomize 29
- dichotomous 21
- dichromates 20
- dichromatic 23
- dichroscope 23
- dickcissels 23
- dicotyledon 20
- dicoumarins 20
- dicoumarols 20
- dictatorial 16
- dictionally 20
- dictyosomes 20
- dictyostele 18
- dicynodonts 20
- didacticism 22
- dielectrics 19
- difficultly 26
- directrices 18
- disservices 19
- dissyllabic 22
- districting 18
- dithyrambic 25
- divaricated 20
- divaricates 19
- diverticula 21
- domesticate 18
- domesticity 20
- domiciliary 21
- domiciliate 19
- dominickers 23
- doubleclick 28
- doxological 26
- doxorubicin 27
- dramaturgic 21
- drastically 19
- dropkickers 26
- duopolistic 20
- duplicating 23
- duplication 21
- duplicative 24
- duplicators 20
- duplicities 20
- duplicitous 21
- dynamically 25
- dynamicists 21
- dyslogistic 20
- dysrhythmic 26
- eclecticism 24
- econometric 21
- ectomorphic 25
- ectopically 24
- ectoplasmic 24
- ectothermic 22
- ectotrophic 22
- ecumenicism 25
- ecumenicist 22
- ecumenicity 24
- edaphically 24
- edification 19
- efficacious 24
- efficiently 24
- egocentrics 20
- egotistical 17
- eicosanoids 16
- eidetically 19
- elastically 19
- elasticated 16
- elasticised 16
- elasticises 15
- elasticized 25
- elasticizes 24
- elastomeric 18
- electricals 19
- electrician 19
- electricity 20
- electronica 19
- electronics 19
- elicitation 16
- ellipticals 20
- ellipticity 21
- embryogenic 25
- embryologic 25
- empirically 24
- empiricisms 23
- empiricists 20
- encomiastic 21
- encyclicals 25
- endemically 23
- endocentric 20
- endocytotic 21
- endodontics 18
- endoglossic 19
- endomitotic 19
- endomorphic 24
- endoplasmic 23
- endothermic 21
- endotrophic 21
- engrammatic 23
- enigmatical 21
- enrichments 21
- enticements 19
- enzymically 33
- epeirogenic 20
- epicondylar 22
- epicondyles 22
- epicuticles 22
- epicycloids 24
- epidemicity 23
- epigenetics 20
- epilepticus 22
- epiphytotic 24
- epithalamic 23
- epithetical 20
- equicaloric 28
- eradicating 18
- eradication 16
- eradicators 15
- eristically 18
- eroticising 17
- eroticizing 26
- erratically 18
- erraticisms 17
- erythristic 18
- escharotics 19
- esemplastic 21
- esotericism 17
- esotericist 14
- esthetician 17
- estheticism 19
- estheticize 25
- ethicalness 18
- ethnicities 17
- ethological 20
- etiological 18
- eucharistic 20
- euchromatic 23
- eudiometric 19
- eugenically 22
- eugenicists 18
- euphemistic 23
- eurhythmics 24
- eurythermic 22
- evangelical 23
- executrices 25
- exoticising 24
- exoticizing 33
- explicandum 31
- explicantia 26
- explicating 28
- explication 26
- explicative 29
- explicators 25
- explicatory 27
- exsiccating 27
- exsiccation 25
- extricating 24
- extrication 22
- fabricating 23
- fabrication 21
- fabricators 20
- facticities 20
- fanatically 22
- fanaticised 19
- fanaticises 18
- fanaticisms 21
- fanaticized 28
- fanaticizes 27
- fantastical 19
- farcicality 23
- fasciculate 22
- feldspathic 24
- felicitated 19
- felicitates 18
- felicitator 18
- fetishistic 19
- feudalistic 20
- fiberoptics 23
- fibreoptics 23
- fibrocystic 25
- fictionally 22
- fictioneers 18
- fictionists 18
- fictionized 28
- fictionizes 27
- fictiveness 22
- fiddlestick 24
- fingerpicks 27
- finicalness 20
- finickiness 23
- finnickiest 23
- flichtering 23
- flittermice 21
- folktronica 23
- folliculate 21
- formalistic 21
- formicaries 20
- formicarium 24
- formication 21
- fornicating 21
- fornication 19
- fornicators 18
- frantically 22
- franticness 19
- fratricidal 19
- fratricides 18
- freneticism 21
- fricandeaus 20
- fricandeaux 27
- fungistatic 21
- futuristics 19
- galliambics 24
- gallicizing 30
- gametically 23
- gametogenic 22
- gastrocolic 20
- gastronomic 20
- gastrotrich 18
- geanticline 19
- gemological 23
- generically 21
- genericness 18
- genetically 21
- geneticists 17
- geniculated 20
- genotypical 23
- gentamicins 21
- geochemical 25
- geomagnetic 22
- geometrical 20
- geophysical 24
- geopolitics 20
- geostrophic 21
- geotechnics 22
- geotectonic 20
- gesticulant 19
- gesticulate 18
- gibberellic 24
- gimmickries 26
- glauconitic 22
- glossolalic 19
- gnosticisms 20
- gnotobiotic 20
- goalkickers 25
- goalkicking 28
- goitrogenic 19
- goldbricked 26
- gongoristic 19
- goniometric 20
- gothicizing 30
- gramicidins 21
- grammatical 23
- gramophonic 25
- granolithic 20
- granophyric 24
- graphically 25
- graphicness 22
- gravimetric 23
- gynecologic 25
- gynocentric 23
- gynogenetic 22
- haemophilic 25
- haemostatic 19
- haggadistic 21
- hagioscopic 24
- halomorphic 25
- handicapped 25
- handicapper 24
- handicrafts 21
- handpicking 28
- harmolodics 21
- harmonicist 20
- harpsichord 22
- haruspicies 20
- hebephrenic 25
- hedonically 22
- helichrysum 25
- helicopters 20
- helicopting 23
- heliometric 20
- heliotropic 20
- hematologic 22
- hemicircles 23
- hemimorphic 27
- hemiplegics 25
- hemispheric 24
- hemodynamic 26
- hemophilics 25
- hemopoietic 22
- hemorrhagic 23
- hemostatics 19
- hepatotoxic 26
- heretically 20
- hermeneutic 21
- hermeticism 22
- heterogonic 19
- heterolytic 19
- heteronymic 22
- heterotopic 19
- heterotypic 21
- hiccoughing 27
- hierocratic 19
- histiocytic 21
- historicise 16
- historicism 19
- historicist 16
- historicity 18
- historicize 25
- histrionics 17
- holoblastic 21
- holographic 24
- homeopathic 24
- homeostatic 19
- homicidally 24
- homiletical 21
- homocentric 23
- homogametic 24
- homographic 26
- homological 23
- homomorphic 27
- homoplastic 23
- homothallic 23
- hornblendic 23
- horological 20
- hydrobromic 25
- hydrocyanic 25
- hydrometric 22
- hydropathic 24
- hydrophilic 25
- hydrophobic 27
- hydrophytic 26
- hydroponics 23
- hydrostatic 19
- hydrotropic 22
- hygrometric 23
- hygrophytic 27
- hygroscopic 26
- hylomorphic 27
- hylozoistic 28
- hypercapnic 28
- hypercritic 24
- hypermetric 24
- hypermnesic 25
- hyperphagic 28
- hyperstatic 21
- hypesthetic 23
- hypnopompic 31
- hypodermics 25
- hypogastric 23
- hypogonadic 25
- hypokalemic 29
- hypomorphic 29
- hypoplastic 25
- hypothermic 26
- hypovolemic 29
- hypsometric 24
- iceboatings 20
- icebreakers 21
- ichnography 26
- ichthyolite 21
- ichthyology 25
- ichthyornis 21
- ichthyosaur 21
- iconicities 18
- iconoclasms 22
- iconoclasts 19
- iconodulist 18
- iconography 24
- iconologies 18
- iconoscopes 21
- iconostases 15
- iconostasis 15
- icosahedral 18
- icosahedron 18
- identically 20
- ideogrammic 23
- ideographic 22
- ideological 19
- idioblastic 19
- idiographic 22
- idiomorphic 23
- idiotically 19
- idyllically 23
- illicitness 17
- illogically 22
- imbricating 23
- imbrication 21
- immedicable 25
- immedicably 27
- immunogenic 25
- immunologic 25
- implicating 24
- implication 22
- implicative 25
- implicatory 23
- implicature 22
- impolitical 22
- impoliticly 24
- impractical 24
- inauthentic 19
- indications 17
- indicatives 20
- indicolites 17
- indictments 20
- inefficient 22
- infanticide 20
- inflictions 20
- infographic 25
- informatics 21
- injudicious 27
- insecticide 19
- interatomic 18
- interdicted 17
- interdictor 16
- interethnic 18
- interoffice 21
- interstices 15
- intervallic 21
- intoxicants 23
- intoxicated 23
- intoxicates 22
- intricacies 18
- intricately 18
- intrinsical 17
- ionospheric 20
- irradicable 19
- irradicably 21
- isallobaric 19
- isoelectric 18
- isorhythmic 23
- isotonicity 17
- italicising 18
- italicizing 27
- ithyphallic 25
- jaboticabas 29
- jargonistic 26
- jinrickshas 30
- judgmatical 31
- judicatures 26
- judiciaries 25
- judiciously 29
- juicinesses 25
- juridically 29
- justiceship 29
- justiciable 28
- kickboxings 35
- kicksorters 22
- kickstarted 23
- kinematical 23
- kinesthetic 21
- kinetically 23
- kineticists 19
- kinnikinnic 26
- knickerless 24
- knickknacks 35
- kymographic 30
- laccolithic 24
- laconically 23
- laicisation 16
- laicization 25
- lamellicorn 21
- latticework 22
- leukoplakic 28
- lexicalised 24
- lexicalises 23
- lexicalized 33
- lexicalizes 32
- licentiates 16
- lichenology 23
- lickerishly 24
- lickspittle 23
- lightsticks 23
- linguistics 19
- loculicidal 22
- logarithmic 22
- logicalness 19
- logistician 18
- logocentric 21
- logographic 24
- logorrhoeic 19
- lubricating 22
- lubrication 20
- lubricative 23
- lubricators 19
- lubricities 19
- lubricously 23
- ludicrously 21
- luteotropic 19
- lymphocytic 30
- lyricalness 19
- macrobiotic 23
- macrocosmic 26
- macrocyclic 29
- macrophagic 27
- macrophytic 27
- macroscopic 26
- magnificats 23
- magnificent 24
- magnificoes 23
- maledicting 22
- malediction 20
- maledictive 23
- maledictory 21
- maleficence 25
- maliciously 22
- malpractice 24
- manicurists 19
- manneristic 19
- mariculture 20
- martensitic 18
- masochistic 22
- masticating 20
- mastication 18
- masticators 17
- masticatory 19
- mastodontic 19
- matchsticks 26
- mathematics 22
- matriculant 20
- matriculate 19
- matronymics 23
- mechanicals 24
- mechanician 24
- mechanistic 23
- mediatrices 18
- medicalised 20
- medicalises 19
- medicalized 29
- medicalizes 28
- medicaments 22
- medications 19
- medicinable 23
- medicinally 23
- medicolegal 22
- mediumistic 22
- megalomanic 24
- meiotically 21
- melancholic 25
- melioristic 18
- melodically 23
- melodicisms 22
- mendicities 19
- mentalistic 19
- meroblastic 21
- meromorphic 25
- mesogastric 19
- mesomorphic 25
- mesonephric 23
- mesopelagic 23
- mesophyllic 26
- mesospheric 22
- mesotrophic 22
- metabolomic 24
- metacentric 21
- metaethical 20
- metafiction 21
- metagenetic 20
- metallicity 21
- metallurgic 22
- metamorphic 25
- metanephric 23
- metaphysics 24
- metaplastic 21
- metasomatic 20
- meteoritics 17
- metersticks 21
- methacrylic 25
- methicillin 22
- methodistic 20
- metonymical 24
- metricating 20
- metrication 18
- metricizing 29
- metronymics 23
- miasmically 24
- microampere 23
- microarrays 19
- microbiomes 23
- microbrewer 23
- microbursts 21
- microbusses 21
- microchecks 29
- microclines 22
- micrococcal 27
- micrococcus 27
- microcopies 23
- microcosmic 26
- microcosmos 23
- microcredit 21
- microcuries 21
- microfarads 21
- microfaunae 22
- microfaunal 23
- microfaunas 22
- microfibers 23
- microfibres 23
- microfibril 24
- microfiched 26
- microfiches 25
- microfilmed 25
- microfilmer 24
- microflorae 21
- microfloral 22
- microfloras 21
- microfossil 21
- microfungus 25
- microgamete 22
- micrographs 24
- micrography 26
- microgreens 20
- microgroove 23
- microimages 22
- microinches 23
- microinject 30
- microkernel 23
- microlender 20
- microlights 22
- microliters 18
- microlithic 23
- microlitres 18
- micromanage 23
- micrometers 20
- micromethod 23
- micrometres 20
- micronisers 18
- micronising 21
- micronizers 27
- micronizing 30
- micronuclei 23
- microphages 24
- microphagic 27
- microphones 23
- microphonic 26
- microphylls 26
- micropipets 23
- microporous 21
- microprisms 23
- microprobes 23
- microquakes 31
- microreader 18
- microscales 21
- microscopes 23
- microscopic 26
- microsecond 22
- microseisms 20
- microsphere 22
- microspores 20
- microstates 17
- microswitch 25
- microtubule 23
- microvillar 23
- microvillus 24
- microwaving 27
- microworlds 22
- micrurgical 24
- micturating 21
- micturition 19
- millicuries 20
- millimicron 23
- mimetically 24
- mineralogic 21
- minicourses 19
- minnerichis 21
- misericorde 18
- misericords 18
- misstricken 22
- mitotically 21
- modernistic 19
- moletronics 19
- monarchical 24
- monasticism 21
- monochromic 26
- monodically 23
- monogastric 20
- monogenetic 21
- monographic 25
- monological 22
- monomorphic 26
- monotechnic 24
- monozygotic 31
- moronically 22
- morphogenic 25
- morphologic 25
- motorically 21
- multicampus 26
- multicarbon 23
- multicausal 21
- multicelled 22
- multicenter 20
- multicentre 20
- multiclient 21
- multicoated 20
- multicolors 20
- multicolour 21
- multicolumn 25
- multicopter 22
- multicounty 23
- multicourse 20
- multiethnic 22
- multiphasic 24
- municipally 26
- munificence 26
- musicalised 20
- musicalises 19
- musicalized 29
- musicalizes 28
- mutualistic 20
- myasthenics 22
- mycological 26
- mycotrophic 27
- myelopathic 25
- myoelectric 23
- mythicising 24
- mythicizers 30
- mythicizing 33
- mythopoetic 24
- narcoleptic 22
- nasogastric 17
- natriuretic 16
- necrobiotic 21
- necromantic 22
- necrophilic 24
- negentropic 21
- nematicidal 20
- nematicides 19
- neocortical 19
- neocortices 18
- neologistic 18
- nephrotoxic 27
- neuroleptic 20
- neuropathic 21
- neuroticism 19
- neurotropic 19
- neutropenic 20
- nickelodeon 22
- nicotinates 16
- nictitating 18
- nightsticks 23
- nitpickiest 22
- nociceptive 25
- nociceptors 21
- nomadically 23
- nomographic 25
- nomological 22
- nonacademic 23
- nonallergic 20
- nonanalytic 20
- nonanatomic 20
- nonaromatic 19
- nonartistic 16
- nonascetics 19
- nonathletic 19
- nonchemical 25
- nonclerical 21
- nonclinical 22
- noncritical 20
- noncyclical 26
- nondiabetic 20
- nondidactic 21
- nondogmatic 22
- nondomestic 20
- nondramatic 20
- noneconomic 23
- nonelectric 20
- nonemphatic 24
- nonfictions 20
- nonharmonic 22
- nonjudicial 28
- nonmagnetic 22
- nonmetallic 21
- nonmetrical 20
- nonmusician 21
- nonmystical 22
- nonofficial 23
- nonoperatic 19
- nonorgasmic 21
- nonphonemic 25
- nonphonetic 22
- nonphysical 24
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- hemeralopic 20
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- permanganic 18
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- semifluidic 19
- semivocalic 20
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- sororicidal 14
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- sparagmatic 18
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- spasmodical 18
- specificate 20
- spermatical 17
- sphragistic 19
- spitsticker 19
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- spodomantic 18
- spondylitic 19
- sporocystic 20
- sporophoric 20
- stalactical 15
- statolithic 16
- stenotropic 15
- stereobatic 15
- stereoptics 15
- stereosonic 13
- sticharions 16
- stichically 21
- stichometry 21
- stickleader 18
- stigmatical 16
- stillicides 14
- stoicalness 13
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- straichtest 16
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- subarticles 15
- subeconomic 19
- subindicate 16
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- subofficers 21
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- suicidology 18
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- sybaritical 18
- sylleptical 18
- symbiotical 20
- symmetallic 20
- synanthetic 19
- syndesmotic 19
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- synecologic 19
- synkaryonic 23
- synodically 20
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- synoptistic 18
- syntectical 18
- syssarcotic 18
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- thermotaxic 25
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- threnetical 16
- tichorrhine 19
- tickettyboo 22
- tonsillitic 13
- torticollar 13
- tostication 13
- totemically 18
- tourmalinic 15
- toxications 20
- toxicogenic 23
- toxicomania 22
- transvestic 16
- tribunicial 15
- tribunician 15
- trichinella 16
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- trichinosed 17
- trichinotic 18
- trichloride 17
- trichogynic 22
- trichotomic 20
- trichroisms 18
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- tricrotisms 15
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- tropophytic 23
- tsesarevich 19
- tsesarewich 19
- turriculate 13
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- unquickened 27
- unrejoicing 21
- unsatirical 13
- unsuspicion 15
- unthickened 21
- urticaceous 15
- urticarious 13
- utricularia 13
- utriculitis 13
- varicellate 16
- varicelloid 17
- varicellous 16
- vellication 16
- vellicative 19
- venatically 19
- venefically 22
- veneficious 19
- ventricules 16
- vermiculous 18
- versicolour 16
- verticities 16
- vesicularly 19
- viceregents 17
- viciosities 16
- victoresses 16
- victoryless 19
- victualages 17
- victuallage 17
- victualless 16
- videophonic 22
- villication 16
- vinificator 19
- vitellicles 16
- voltametric 18
- warrandices 17
- welfaristic 19
- whittericks 23
- xenogenetic 21
- xenomorphic 27
- xenoplastic 22
- xeromorphic 27
- zelophobics 29
- zoanthropic 27
- zoocephalic 29
- zoochemical 29
- zoomagnetic 25
- zoometrical 24
- zoophytical 30
- zootheistic 25
- zygotically 29
- zymological 28
- zymotechnic 32
- zymotically 30
There are 3064 11-letter words containing ic in the well-known word game dictionary, 1704 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 2882 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 1986 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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