There are a total of 68 11-letter words starting with 'hyper', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- hyperaction 21
- hyperactive 25
- hyperacuity 24
- hyperacuses 21
- hyperacusis 21
- hyperaemias 21
- hyperbatons 22
- hyperbolise 22
- hyperbolism 25
- hyperbolist 22
- hyperbolize 31
- hyperboloid 23
- hyperborean 22
- hypercapnia 25
- hypercapnic 28
- hypercarbia 23
- hypercharge 25
- hypercolour 21
- hypercritic 24
- hyperdactyl 25
- hyperdorian 20
- hyperdrives 23
- hyperdulias 20
- hyperemeses 21
- hyperemesis 21
- hyperemetic 23
- hyperextend 27
- hypergamies 23
- hypergamous 22
- hyperimmune 26
- hyperinoses 19
- hyperinosis 19
- hyperinotic 21
- hyperlinked 25
- hyperlydian 23
- hypermanias 22
- hypermarket 25
- hypermedias 22
- hypermeters 21
- hypermetric 24
- hypermilers 21
- hypermiling 22
- hypermnesia 22
- hypermnesic 25
- hypermodern 23
- hypernymies 24
- hyperorexia 26
- hyperosmias 21
- hyperphagia 25
- hyperphagic 28
- hyperplanes 23
- hyperplasia 22
- hyperploids 23
- hyperploidy 25
- hyperpnoeas 21
- hyperpowers 24
- hypersaline 20
- hypersexual 27
- hypersomnia 21
- hypersonics 21
- hyperspaces 24
- hyperstatic 21
- hypersthene 21
- hyperstress 19
- hyperthermy 27
- hyperthymia 27
- hypertonias 19
- hypertrophy 25
There are 68 11-letter words starting with "hyper" in the well-known word game dictionary, 38 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 65 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 39 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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