There are a total of 198 11-letter words starting with 'gr', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- gracefuller 22
- gracelessly 20
- gracileness 18
- gracilities 17
- gradability 20
- gradational 16
- gradationed 14
- gradienters 13
- gradiometer 17
- gradualisms 19
- gradualists 16
- gradualness 17
- graduations 16
- graffitiing 22
- graffitists 19
- grainfields 19
- gralloching 23
- gramadoelas 18
- gramicidins 21
- graminology 18
- grammalogue 23
- grammarians 20
- grammarless 16
- grammatical 23
- grammatists 16
- gramophones 22
- gramophonic 25
- granadillas 17
- grandaddies 17
- grandbabies 21
- grandeeship 18
- grandfather 20
- grandiflora 19
- grandiosely 18
- grandiosity 17
- grandmammas 24
- grandmaster 18
- grandmother 20
- grandnephew 24
- grandnesses 16
- grandnieces 19
- grandparent 19
- grandstands 17
- granduncles 21
- grangerised 17
- grangeriser 13
- grangerises 16
- grangerisms 19
- grangerized 26
- grangerizer 22
- grangerizes 25
- graniferous 18
- granitelike 19
- graniteware 17
- granitiform 17
- granitising 17
- granitizing 26
- granivorous 19
- granolithic 20
- granophyres 21
- granophyric 24
- granularity 18
- granulaters 12
- granulating 19
- granulation 17
- granulative 15
- granulators 16
- granuliform 17
- granulocyte 21
- granulomata 19
- grapefruits 20
- grapestones 14
- graphically 25
- graphicness 22
- graphitised 19
- graphitises 18
- graphitized 28
- graphitizes 27
- grapholects 22
- graphologic 20
- graphomania 19
- graphomotor 19
- grapinesses 17
- graplements 16
- graptolites 17
- graptolitic 16
- grasscloths 19
- grasscourts 17
- grasshopper 21
- grasswracks 21
- gratefuller 19
- gratinating 13
- gratineeing 17
- gratulating 18
- gratulation 16
- gratulatory 17
- gravadlaxes 23
- gravedigger 22
- gravelliest 15
- gravenesses 18
- gravestones 18
- gravidities 18
- gravimeters 20
- gravimetric 23
- gravitaters 15
- gravitating 20
- gravitation 18
- gravitative 21
- graybearded 19
- greaseballs 18
- greasebands 15
- greaseboard 17
- greasepaint 17
- greaseproof 19
- greasewoods 17
- greatcoated 15
- greatnesses 14
- grecianised 15
- grecianises 14
- grecianized 27
- grecianizes 26
- greenbacker 24
- greenbottle 18
- greenbriers 17
- greencloths 17
- greenfields 16
- greengrocer 19
- greenhearts 16
- greenhouses 17
- greenkeeper 21
- greenlights 19
- greenmailed 19
- greenmailer 18
- greennesses 15
- greenockite 21
- greenshanks 21
- greenspaces 20
- greenspeaks 18
- greensticks 18
- greenstones 15
- greenstuffs 21
- greenswards 18
- greenwashed 19
- greenwashes 18
- gregarinian 13
- greisenised 13
- greisenises 12
- greisenized 22
- greisenizes 21
- grenadillas 17
- gressorious 12
- greybearded 19
- greylisting 16
- greywethers 21
- griddlecake 23
- gridironing 14
- gridlocking 25
- griffinisms 20
- grillsteaks 16
- grimacingly 20
- griminesses 17
- grindhouses 16
- grindstones 16
- gristliness 15
- groatsworth 18
- groceterias 16
- grossierete 12
- grossnesses 14
- grotesquely 26
- grotesquery 25
- grotesquest 21
- grouchiness 20
- groundbaits 15
- groundballs 21
- groundburst 20
- groundcover 23
- groundlings 20
- groundplans 21
- groundplots 15
- groundsells 13
- groundshare 18
- groundsheet 18
- groundsills 13
- groundspeed 20
- groundswell 21
- groundwater 19
- groundwoods 20
- groundworks 23
- groupthinks 24
- groupuscule 23
- grovelingly 24
- grovellings 16
- growthiness 19
- grubstakers 21
- grubstaking 24
- gruellingly 22
- gruffnesses 21
- grumblingly 27
There are 198 11-letter words starting with "gr" in the well-known word game dictionary, 117 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 186 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 142 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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