There are a total of 131 11-letter words starting with 'em', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- emaciations 18
- emanational 13
- emancipated 22
- emancipates 21
- emancipator 21
- emancipists 17
- emarginated 15
- emarginates 14
- emasculated 20
- emasculates 19
- emasculator 19
- embalmments 25
- embankments 26
- embarcadero 21
- embarcation 17
- embarkation 22
- embarkments 25
- embarrassed 18
- embarrasses 17
- embasements 17
- embassadors 16
- embellished 22
- embellisher 21
- embellishes 21
- embiopteran 21
- embitterers 15
- embittering 20
- emblazoners 28
- emblazoning 31
- emblematise 21
- emblematist 21
- emblematize 30
- emblemising 18
- emblemizing 27
- emblossomed 18
- embodiments 22
- emboitement 17
- emboldeners 16
- emboldening 23
- embolectomy 26
- embonpoints 22
- embordering 21
- embossments 21
- embothriums 20
- embouchures 24
- embowelling 25
- embowelment 20
- embowerment 20
- embraceable 24
- embracement 24
- embraceries 20
- embracingly 26
- embrangling 24
- embreathing 19
- embrittling 21
- embrocating 23
- embrocation 21
- embroidered 19
- embroiderer 18
- embroilment 22
- embruements 17
- embryectomy 25
- embryogenic 25
- embryologic 25
- embryonated 21
- embryophyte 26
- embryulcias 20
- emendations 17
- emergencies 20
- emetophobia 20
- emigrations 17
- emmenagogic 19
- emmenagogue 23
- emmetropias 17
- emolliating 14
- emolliences 20
- emollitions 13
- emolumental 15
- emotionable 15
- emotionally 19
- emotionless 16
- emotiveness 19
- emotivities 18
- empacketing 22
- empalements 17
- empanelling 23
- empanelment 17
- empanoplied 18
- empanoplies 17
- emparadised 17
- emparadises 16
- emparlaunce 17
- empassioned 16
- empathising 22
- empathizers 27
- empathizing 31
- empatroning 16
- emperishing 19
- emperorship 22
- emphasising 22
- emphasizing 31
- emphractics 22
- emphysemics 25
- emphyteuses 21
- emphyteusis 21
- emphyteutic 23
- empiecement 19
- empirically 24
- empiricisms 23
- empiricists 20
- empiricutic 19
- emplacement 25
- emplastered 16
- emplastrons 15
- emplastrums 17
- empleaching 21
- employables 24
- employments 24
- empoisoning 21
- empoldering 22
- empowerment 24
- emptinesses 18
- empyreumata 20
- emulatively 23
- emulousness 18
- emulsifiers 19
- emulsifying 24
- emulsioning 20
- emulsionise 13
- emulsionize 22
- emunctories 15
There are 131 11-letter words starting with "em" in the well-known word game dictionary, 72 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 128 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 77 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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