There are a total of 825 11-letter words starting with 'de', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- deaccession 19
- deacidified 20
- deacidifies 19
- deaconesses 16
- deaconhoods 18
- deaconships 21
- deactivated 20
- deactivates 19
- deactivator 19
- deadeningly 20
- deadheading 19
- deadlifting 20
- deadlocking 24
- deadnettles 15
- deadpanners 18
- deadpanning 21
- deadweights 20
- deaerations 13
- deafeningly 22
- dealbations 14
- dealbreaker 20
- dealerships 18
- dealignment 20
- dealmakings 23
- deaminating 19
- deamination 17
- deaminising 15
- deaminizing 24
- deaspirated 15
- deaspirates 14
- deathknells 21
- deathlessly 18
- deathliness 15
- deathwishes 19
- deattribute 16
- deballasted 18
- debarcation 16
- debarkation 20
- debarrassed 15
- debarrasses 14
- debasedness 15
- debasements 19
- debatements 19
- debauchedly 23
- debauchment 21
- debilitated 17
- debilitates 16
- debouchment 25
- debouchures 22
- debridement 20
- debriefings 21
- decadencies 20
- decagonally 18
- decagrammes 19
- decahedrons 19
- decalcified 23
- decalcifier 22
- decalcifies 22
- decalescent 16
- decalogists 15
- decameronic 18
- decampments 25
- decanedioic 17
- decanically 19
- decantating 15
- decantation 17
- decapitated 19
- decapitates 18
- decapitator 18
- decapsulate 20
- decarbonate 19
- decarbonise 19
- decarbonize 28
- decarburise 19
- decarburize 28
- decathletes 18
- decaudating 16
- deceitfully 23
- deceivingly 25
- decelerated 17
- decelerates 16
- decelerator 16
- decemvirate 22
- decennaries 14
- decennially 21
- decentering 19
- deceptional 20
- deceptively 25
- decerebrate 18
- decerebrise 16
- decerebrize 25
- decertified 19
- decertifies 18
- decidedness 18
- deciduously 21
- decigrammes 23
- decillionth 17
- decimalised 20
- decimalises 19
- decimalisms 18
- decimalists 16
- decimalized 29
- decimalizes 28
- decimations 19
- decipherers 20
- deciphering 23
- decisioning 19
- decivilised 18
- decivilises 17
- decivilized 27
- decivilizes 26
- declaimants 16
- declaimings 17
- declamation 20
- declamatory 21
- declaration 17
- declarative 20
- declarators 16
- declaratory 18
- declensions 18
- declination 18
- declinators 14
- declinatory 17
- declinature 14
- declivities 20
- declivitous 21
- declutching 25
- decluttered 18
- decoherence 19
- decollating 20
- decollation 18
- decollators 17
- decollement 21
- decolletage 19
- decolletees 17
- decolonised 18
- decolonises 17
- decolonized 27
- decolonizes 26
- decolorants 14
- decolorated 15
- decolorates 14
- decolorised 17
- decoloriser 14
- decolorises 16
- decolorized 26
- decolorizer 25
- decolorizes 25
- decolouring 20
- decolourise 14
- decolourize 23
- decommitted 19
- decommunise 23
- decommunize 32
- decompilers 22
- decompiling 25
- decomposers 21
- decomposing 24
- decomposite 18
- decompounds 19
- decondition 18
- deconflicts 23
- decongested 19
- deconstruct 20
- decorations 16
- decorticate 18
- decoupaging 24
- decouplings 17
- decremental 20
- decremented 20
- decrepitate 18
- decrepitude 20
- decrescence 18
- decrescendo 20
- decretalist 14
- decryptions 21
- decumbences 20
- decumbently 21
- decumbiture 18
- decurionate 14
- decurrently 17
- decursively 20
- decurvation 17
- decussately 17
- decussating 19
- decussation 17
- dedicatedly 20
- dedications 17
- dedramatise 15
- dedramatize 24
- deducements 17
- deductibles 21
- deductively 24
- deemphasize 29
- deepfreezes 27
- deepthroats 17
- deerberries 15
- deergrasses 14
- deerstalker 17
- deescalated 17
- deescalates 16
- defacements 22
- defaecating 21
- defaecation 19
- defaecators 18
- defaecatory 20
- defalcating 22
- defalcation 20
- defalcators 19
- defamations 19
- defeasanced 18
- defeasances 19
- defeaturing 16
- defecations 19
- defectively 25
- defeminised 20
- defeminises 19
- defeminized 29
- defeminizes 28
- defenceless 20
- defensative 18
- defenseless 17
- defensively 23
- deferential 17
- deferrables 19
- defervesced 23
- defervesces 22
- defeudalise 16
- defeudalize 25
- defiantness 15
- defibrinate 19
- defibrinise 17
- defibrinize 26
- deficiences 19
- deficiently 22
- defilements 20
- defiliation 15
- definements 20
- definiendum 22
- definientia 17
- definitions 17
- definitised 16
- definitises 15
- definitives 20
- definitized 26
- definitizes 25
- definitudes 18
- deflagrable 18
- deflagrated 19
- deflagrates 18
- deflagrator 18
- deflectable 23
- deflections 20
- deflexional 22
- deflorating 16
- defloration 17
- deflowerers 19
- deflowering 22
- defocussing 22
- defoliating 19
- defoliation 17
- defoliators 16
- deforcement 22
- deforciants 17
- deforesters 15
- deforesting 18
- deformalise 17
- deformalize 28
- deformation 19
- deformative 22
- deformities 18
- defragments 21
- defraudment 18
- defrayments 21
- defriending 20
- defunctions 17
- defunctness 17
- degarnished 17
- degarnishes 16
- degaussings 14
- degendering 15
- degenderize 23
- degenerated 16
- degenerates 15
- deglaciated 19
- deglamorise 18
- deglamorize 27
- deglutinate 13
- deglutition 17
- deglutitive 20
- deglutitory 16
- degradation 16
- degradative 19
- degradingly 21
- degranulate 17
- degreasants 15
- degreasings 14
- degressions 13
- degringoler 14
- degustating 14
- degustation 16
- degustatory 16
- dehiscences 21
- dehortation 15
- dehortative 18
- dehortatory 18
- dehumanised 20
- dehumanises 19
- dehumanized 29
- dehumanizes 28
- dehydraters 19
- dehydrating 20
- dehydration 18
- dehydrators 17
- dehypnotise 20
- dehypnotize 29
- deictically 22
- deification 19
- deinonychus 22
- deinotheres 15
- deinotheria 15
- deinstalled 16
- deinstaller 15
- deistically 19
- delaminated 18
- delaminates 17
- delassement 14
- delayerings 16
- delectables 20
- delectating 15
- delectation 17
- delegations 16
- deleterious 14
- deleverages 19
- delibations 14
- deliberated 17
- deliberates 16
- deliberator 16
- delicencing 23
- delicensing 20
- deliciously 20
- deligations 13
- delightedly 21
- delightless 16
- delightsome 20
- delimitated 15
- delimitates 14
- delineating 17
- delineation 15
- delineative 18
- delineators 14
- delinquency 30
- delinquents 25
- deliquesced 27
- deliquesces 26
- delirations 12
- deliriously 17
- delitescent 14
- deliverable 21
- deliverance 21
- deliveryman 23
- deliverymen 23
- delocalised 18
- delocalises 17
- delocalized 27
- delocalizes 26
- delphically 25
- delphiniums 23
- delusionary 17
- delusionist 12
- delustering 17
- delustrants 12
- demagnetise 18
- demagnetize 27
- demagogical 18
- demagogisms 18
- demagoguery 22
- demagoguing 23
- demagoguism 18
- demandingly 23
- demarcating 21
- demarcation 19
- demarcators 18
- demarkation 18
- demarketing 19
- demassified 19
- demassifies 18
- demeaningly 22
- demeasnures 14
- dementating 15
- demergering 20
- demethylate 20
- demibastion 16
- demicantons 16
- demigoddess 19
- demigration 15
- demireliefs 17
- demirepdoms 19
- demiurgeous 15
- demiurgical 22
- demiurguses 15
- demivierges 18
- demobilised 20
- demobilises 19
- demobilized 29
- demobilizer 25
- demobilizes 28
- democracies 21
- democraties 16
- democratise 18
- democratist 16
- democratize 27
- demodulated 19
- demodulates 18
- demodulator 18
- demographer 22
- demographic 25
- demoiselles 17
- demolishers 18
- demolishing 21
- demolitions 17
- demonetised 17
- demonetises 16
- demonetized 26
- demonetizes 25
- demoniacism 18
- demonianism 16
- demonically 23
- demonocracy 21
- demonolater 14
- demonolatry 19
- demonologic 17
- demonomania 16
- demonstrate 16
- demoralised 17
- demoraliser 14
- demoralises 16
- demoralized 26
- demoralizer 25
- demoralizes 25
- demoticists 16
- demotivated 20
- demotivates 19
- demountable 21
- demulsified 18
- demulsifier 17
- demulsifies 17
- demutualise 18
- demutualize 27
- demyelinate 19
- demystified 21
- demystifies 20
- denaturants 15
- denaturised 13
- denaturises 12
- denaturized 22
- denaturizes 21
- denazifying 30
- dendrachate 18
- dendritical 15
- dendrobiums 17
- dendroglyph 22
- dendrograms 19
- dendrolatry 16
- dendrologic 20
- dendrometer 15
- denegations 16
- denervating 20
- denervation 18
- deniability 19
- denigrating 18
- denigration 16
- denigrative 19
- denigrators 15
- denigratory 17
- denisations 12
- denitrating 13
- denitration 12
- denitrified 17
- denitrifier 16
- denitrifies 16
- denizations 21
- denizenship 28
- denominable 16
- denominated 18
- denominates 17
- denominator 17
- denotations 14
- denotements 17
- denouements 18
- densenesses 14
- densimeters 16
- densimetric 16
- dentalising 17
- dentalities 12
- dentalizing 26
- denticulate 18
- dentifrices 19
- dentigerous 13
- dentilabial 14
- dentistries 13
- denudations 16
- denudements 19
- denumerable 21
- denumerably 23
- denunciated 19
- denunciates 18
- denunciator 18
- deobstruent 14
- deodorisers 13
- deodorising 16
- deodorizers 22
- deodorizing 25
- deoppilated 17
- deoppilates 16
- deoxidating 21
- deoxidation 21
- deoxidisers 20
- deoxidising 23
- deoxidizers 29
- deoxidizing 32
- deoxygenate 24
- deoxygenise 23
- deoxygenize 32
- deoxyribose 24
- departement 16
- departments 19
- depasturage 18
- depasturing 19
- depauperate 19
- depauperise 16
- depauperize 25
- depeincting 17
- dependacies 17
- dependances 21
- dependences 21
- dependently 21
- dependingly 19
- dephlegmate 20
- depicturing 17
- depigmented 22
- depilations 17
- deploration 14
- deploringly 22
- deployments 22
- deplumation 16
- depolarised 17
- depolariser 14
- depolarises 16
- depolarized 26
- depolarizer 25
- depolarizes 25
- depolishing 21
- depopulated 21
- depopulates 20
- depopulator 16
- deportation 16
- deportments 19
- depositions 16
- depravation 20
- depravement 23
- depravingly 21
- depravities 19
- deprecating 21
- deprecation 19
- deprecative 22
- deprecators 18
- deprecatory 20
- depreciable 22
- depreciated 19
- depreciates 18
- depreciator 18
- depredating 19
- depredation 17
- depredators 16
- depredatory 18
- deprehended 19
- depressants 16
- depressible 19
- depressions 16
- depressives 19
- deprivation 20
- deprivative 20
- deprivement 19
- deprogramed 21
- deprogramme 23
- depthlessly 21
- depurations 17
- depuratives 20
- deputations 17
- deputyships 23
- deracialise 14
- deracialize 23
- deracinated 17
- deracinates 16
- deraignment 15
- derailleurs 15
- derailments 17
- derangement 19
- derationing 16
- derecognise 18
- derecognize 27
- dereference 19
- deregisters 14
- deregulated 17
- deregulates 16
- deregulator 13
- dereliction 17
- derepressed 16
- derepresses 15
- derestricts 15
- derivations 17
- derivatised 16
- derivatises 15
- derivatives 20
- derivatized 26
- derivatizes 25
- dermapteran 19
- dermatogens 18
- dermatology 20
- dermography 23
- dermopteran 19
- derogations 15
- desacralise 16
- desacralize 25
- desagrement 15
- desalinated 15
- desalinates 14
- desalinator 14
- desalinised 15
- desalinises 14
- desalinized 24
- desalinizes 23
- desaturated 14
- desaturates 13
- descamisado 19
- descendable 17
- descendants 18
- descendents 18
- descendeurs 18
- descendible 21
- descendings 16
- descensions 17
- deschoolers 17
- deschooling 18
- descrambled 23
- descrambler 22
- descrambles 22
- describable 22
- description 19
- descriptive 22
- descriptors 18
- desecraters 15
- desecrating 18
- desecration 16
- desecrators 15
- desegregate 16
- deselecting 19
- deselection 17
- desensitise 13
- desensitize 22
- deserpidine 15
- desertified 16
- desertifies 15
- deservingly 22
- desexualise 21
- desexualize 30
- deshabilles 19
- desiccating 21
- desiccation 19
- desiccative 22
- desiccators 18
- desiderated 14
- desiderates 13
- desideratum 17
- desideriums 15
- designating 18
- designation 16
- designative 19
- designators 15
- designatory 17
- designingly 17
- designments 19
- desilvering 20
- desilverise 15
- desilverize 24
- desinential 12
- desipiences 16
- desipramine 19
- desistances 16
- desistences 14
- deskillings 17
- desmodromic 19
- desolations 14
- desoldering 17
- desorptions 16
- despatchers 20
- despatching 23
- desperadoes 16
- desperandum 21
- desperately 18
- desperation 16
- despisement 19
- despoilment 20
- despondence 21
- despondency 23
- despondings 16
- despumating 17
- despumation 16
- desquamated 26
- desquamates 25
- dessiatines 12
- dessignment 15
- dessyatines 15
- destabilise 16
- destabilize 25
- destempered 17
- destinating 13
- destination 14
- destituting 13
- destitution 14
- destreaming 15
- destressing 15
- destroyable 17
- destructing 19
- destruction 17
- destructive 20
- destructors 16
- desulfuring 21
- desulfurise 15
- desulfurize 27
- desulphured 18
- desultorily 17
- detachments 21
- detainments 17
- detasseling 16
- detasselled 15
- detectivist 17
- detectorist 15
- detergences 15
- deteriorate 12
- deteriorism 14
- deteriority 15
- determinacy 21
- determinant 17
- determinate 16
- determiners 16
- determining 19
- determinism 19
- determinist 16
- deterrences 16
- deterrently 16
- detestation 13
- dethatching 21
- dethronings 16
- detonatable 17
- detonations 14
- detoxicants 23
- detoxicated 23
- detoxicates 22
- detoxifiers 22
- detoxifying 27
- detractings 15
- detractions 16
- detractress 14
- detrainment 17
- detribalise 16
- detribalize 25
- detrimental 17
- detritivore 16
- detritovore 15
- detruncated 15
- detruncates 14
- detumescent 20
- detumescing 22
- deuteranope 17
- deuterating 16
- deuteration 14
- deuteriated 14
- deuterogamy 18
- deuterotoky 19
- deutoplasms 20
- deutschmark 23
- devalorised 18
- devalorises 17
- devalorized 27
- devalorizes 26
- devaluating 21
- devaluation 19
- devanagaris 16
- devastating 19
- devastation 17
- devastative 20
- devastators 16
- devastavits 18
- developable 24
- development 24
- deverbative 23
- deviational 18
- devilfishes 22
- deviousness 18
- devitalised 18
- devitalises 17
- devitalized 27
- devitalizes 26
- devitrified 20
- devitrifies 19
- devocalised 18
- devocalises 17
- devocalized 30
- devocalizes 29
- devolutions 19
- devolvement 25
- devotedness 18
- devotements 20
- devotionals 18
- devotionist 15
- devouringly 19
- devourments 17
- dewaterings 16
- dexiotropic 23
- dexterities 19
- dexterously 23
- dextranases 20
- dextrorsely 22
There are 825 11-letter words starting with "de" in the well-known word game dictionary, 472 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 766 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 581 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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