There are a total of 137 11-letter words starting with 'bu', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- bubblebaths 27
- bubbleheads 25
- bubonoceles 17
- buccaneered 23
- buccaniered 18
- buccinators 22
- buccinatory 20
- buckbrushes 24
- bucketloads 24
- bucketwheel 28
- buckjumpers 38
- buckjumping 41
- buckpassing 28
- buckshished 26
- buckshishes 25
- buckskinned 29
- bucktoothed 25
- bucolically 26
- budgerigars 20
- buffalofish 27
- buffleheads 25
- bufotenines 16
- bugginesses 15
- bulbiferous 18
- bulbosities 15
- bulbousness 15
- bulginesses 14
- bulimarexia 26
- bulimarexic 29
- bulkinesses 21
- bullbaiting 23
- bulldoggers 22
- bulldogging 25
- bulletining 21
- bulletproof 23
- bulletwoods 17
- bullfighter 24
- bullfinches 26
- bullionists 13
- bullishness 20
- bullmastiff 26
- bullroarers 17
- bullshitted 20
- bullshitter 16
- bullterrier 17
- bullwaddies 18
- bullwhacked 26
- bullwhipped 29
- bullyragged 24
- bumbailiffs 23
- bumbershoot 23
- bumfreezers 27
- bumfuzzling 37
- bumpinesses 22
- bumpologies 18
- bumpsadaisy 21
- bumptiously 25
- bumsuckings 22
- bunchflower 28
- bunnyhopped 28
- buoyantness 16
- bupivacaine 20
- bureaucracy 24
- bureaucrats 19
- burglarious 19
- burglarised 19
- burglarises 18
- burglarized 28
- burglarizes 27
- burgomaster 20
- burlesquely 29
- burlesquers 26
- burlesquing 29
- burlinesses 17
- burnettised 14
- burnettises 13
- burnettized 23
- burnettizes 22
- burnishable 18
- burnishings 21
- burnishment 18
- burramundis 16
- burrowstown 19
- bursarships 18
- bursiculate 15
- burthensome 21
- bushbashing 22
- bushellings 17
- bushelwoman 21
- bushelwomen 21
- bushhammers 23
- bushinesses 18
- bushmanship 23
- bushmasters 20
- bushrangers 20
- bushranging 23
- bushwalkers 25
- bushwalking 28
- bushwhacked 30
- bushwhacker 29
- businessman 20
- businessmen 20
- busticating 16
- bustinesses 13
- busybodying 23
- butcherbird 21
- butcherings 19
- butchnesses 18
- butenedioic 16
- butlerships 18
- butterballs 20
- butterbeans 19
- buttercream 21
- butterdocks 20
- butterflied 20
- butterflies 19
- butterflyer 21
- butterheads 17
- butteriness 16
- butterknife 23
- buttermilks 23
- butterweeds 19
- butterworts 18
- buttinskies 20
- buttonballs 21
- buttonholds 17
- buttonholed 20
- buttonholer 19
- buttonholes 19
- buttonhooks 22
- buttonmould 16
- buttonwoods 20
- buttressing 18
- butylations 19
- butyraceous 18
- buxomnesses 26
- buzzphrases 38
There are 137 11-letter words starting with "bu" in the well-known word game dictionary, 72 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 124 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 83 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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