There are a total of 151 11-letter words starting with 'ar', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- arabicising 16
- arabicizing 29
- arabilities 15
- arabinoside 16
- arabisation 13
- arabization 22
- arachidonic 21
- arachnidans 17
- arachnoidal 17
- arachnology 20
- araeometers 13
- araeometric 15
- araeostyles 14
- araliaceous 13
- arbalesters 13
- arbalisters 13
- arbitragers 16
- arbitrageur 17
- arbitraging 19
- arbitrament 18
- arbitrarily 17
- arbitrating 17
- arbitration 15
- arbitrative 18
- arbitrators 14
- arbitratrix 20
- arbitrement 15
- arbitresses 14
- arboraceous 15
- arboreality 17
- arborescent 18
- arborvitaes 18
- arboviruses 19
- archaeology 21
- archaeornis 16
- archaically 23
- archaicisms 20
- archangelic 23
- archbishops 24
- archdeacons 21
- archdiocese 20
- archduchess 23
- archduchies 23
- archdukedom 26
- archegonial 20
- archegonium 23
- archenemies 20
- archenteric 18
- archenteron 18
- archeologic 22
- archeometry 21
- archeresses 16
- archespores 18
- archesporia 19
- archipelago 22
- archiplasms 20
- architected 20
- architraved 20
- architraves 20
- archologies 17
- archonships 22
- archontates 16
- archoplasms 20
- archpriests 19
- arctangents 18
- arctophiles 20
- arctophilia 20
- arcubalists 15
- arduousness 15
- arefactions 16
- arenicolous 17
- areocentric 18
- areographic 19
- areolations 11
- areological 18
- areologists 14
- areosystile 14
- argumentive 22
- argumentums 16
- argyrodites 16
- arhythmical 24
- aristocracy 19
- aristocrats 14
- arithmetics 19
- arithmetise 16
- arithmetize 25
- armillarias 16
- armipotence 17
- aromaticity 19
- aromatising 17
- aromatizing 26
- arpeggiated 19
- arpeggiates 18
- arpeggiator 18
- arpeggiones 19
- arquebusade 23
- arquebusier 22
- arragonites 12
- arraignings 13
- arraignment 18
- arrangeable 18
- arrangement 18
- arrestation 11
- arrestingly 17
- arrestments 15
- arrhenotoky 21
- arrhythmias 20
- arrivancies 16
- arrivederci 19
- arrividerci 19
- arrogancies 14
- arrogations 14
- arselickers 19
- arselicking 22
- arsmetricks 19
- artefactual 19
- artemisinin 16
- arterialise 12
- arterialize 21
- arteriogram 16
- arteriotomy 16
- arteritides 12
- arteritises 11
- arthralgias 16
- arthrectomy 21
- arthritides 14
- arthritises 14
- arthrodeses 14
- arthrodesis 14
- arthromeres 16
- arthromeric 18
- arthropathy 20
- arthropodal 17
- arthropodan 18
- arthroscope 19
- arthroscopy 21
- arthrospore 16
- articulable 20
- articulated 17
- articulates 16
- articulator 16
- artifactual 19
- artilleries 13
- artillerist 13
- artiodactyl 18
- artisanship 17
- artlessness 13
- artsinesses 11
- aryballoses 16
- arytaenoids 15
- arytenoidal 15
There are 151 11-letter words starting with "ar" in the well-known word game dictionary, 77 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 140 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 98 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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