There are a total of 170 11-letter words starting with 'al', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- alabandines 14
- alabandites 14
- alabastrine 16
- alablasters 13
- albatrosses 15
- albescences 17
- albugineous 14
- albumblatts 17
- albumenised 16
- albumenises 15
- albumenized 25
- albumenizes 24
- albuminates 15
- albuminised 16
- albuminises 15
- albuminized 25
- albuminizes 24
- albuminoids 21
- albuminuria 21
- albuminuric 24
- alcaicerias 15
- alchemillas 22
- alchemising 23
- alchemistic 23
- alchemizing 32
- alcheringas 17
- alcoholised 17
- alcoholises 16
- alcoholisms 21
- alcoholized 26
- alcoholizes 25
- alcyonarian 19
- aldermanity 17
- alderperson 17
- aldohexoses 22
- aldopentose 14
- aldosterone 14
- aleggeaunce 15
- alembicated 22
- alertnesses 13
- alexandrine 22
- alexandrite 21
- algebraical 21
- algebraists 17
- algidnesses 13
- algolagniac 21
- algolagnias 18
- algolagnics 21
- algolagnist 13
- algological 21
- algologists 17
- algometries 14
- algophobias 19
- algorithmic 22
- alienations 14
- aliennesses 14
- alightments 20
- alikenesses 17
- alineations 11
- alismaceous 15
- alisphenoid 19
- aliteracies 15
- alivenesses 17
- alkalescent 17
- alkalifying 25
- alkalimeter 20
- alkalimetry 22
- alkalinised 16
- alkalinises 15
- alkalinized 28
- alkalinizes 27
- alkalisable 17
- alkalizable 26
- alkylations 20
- allamanders 18
- allantoidal 12
- allantoides 15
- allantoises 11
- allargandos 17
- allegations 16
- allegeances 14
- allegiances 19
- allegorical 19
- allegorised 16
- allegoriser 12
- allegorises 15
- allegorists 15
- allegorized 25
- allegorizer 24
- allegorizes 24
- allegrettos 15
- allelomorph 22
- allelopathy 21
- alleviating 20
- alleviation 18
- alleviative 21
- alleviators 17
- alleviatory 17
- allhallowen 17
- allicholies 16
- alligations 12
- allineation 11
- alliterated 14
- alliterates 13
- allnighters 15
- alloantigen 17
- allocarpies 15
- allocatable 20
- allocations 17
- allocheiria 16
- allochirias 16
- allocutions 18
- allografted 19
- allographic 23
- allomerisms 15
- allometries 16
- allomorphic 24
- allopathies 16
- allopathist 18
- allopatries 16
- alloplasmic 17
- alloplastic 15
- allopurinol 19
- allosaurian 15
- allosteries 13
- allotheisms 16
- allotropies 16
- allotropism 15
- allotropous 13
- allotteries 11
- allowancing 23
- allrounders 16
- allurements 18
- almacantars 19
- almsgivings 24
- almucantars 20
- alonenesses 14
- aloofnesses 16
- alpenstocks 23
- alphabeting 23
- alphabetise 20
- alphabetize 29
- alphametics 20
- alphasorted 17
- alprazolams 24
- alprostadil 14
- altarpieces 18
- altazimuths 27
- alterations 13
- alteratives 14
- altercating 18
- altercation 16
- altercative 16
- alternances 13
- alternately 16
- alternating 16
- alternation 14
- alternative 17
- alternators 13
- altimetries 15
- altitudinal 16
- altocumulus 22
- altogethers 16
- altoruffled 18
- altostratus 13
- aluminising 20
- aluminizing 29
- aluminosity 16
- alveolation 14
- alycompaine 20
There are 170 11-letter words starting with "al" in the well-known word game dictionary, 92 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 160 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 102 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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