There are a total of 478 11-letter words ending in 'ous', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- abstentious 16
- acclivitous 23
- acrimonious 19
- adenomatous 17
- adventurous 19
- amphibolous 24
- anachronous 19
- androgynous 19
- anfractuous 20
- angiomatous 18
- anisogamous 18
- antimonious 17
- arenicolous 17
- atrabilious 16
- babelicious 22
- bicephalous 24
- blasphemous 24
- burglarious 19
- cacophonous 24
- calcicolous 23
- calciferous 22
- calcifugous 25
- callipygous 24
- carnivorous 20
- catadromous 19
- cataractous 18
- cavernulous 22
- ceremonious 19
- champertous 23
- chartaceous 20
- collagenous 20
- compendious 23
- congenerous 19
- conspicuous 23
- contentious 17
- contrarious 16
- coterminous 19
- creophagous 22
- crinigerous 18
- cruciferous 22
- crustaceous 19
- cupriferous 22
- declivitous 21
- deleterious 14
- diachronous 19
- diadelphous 20
- dichogamous 23
- dichotomous 21
- disciferous 19
- discolorous 17
- dissentious 14
- duplicitous 21
- efficacious 24
- erotogenous 15
- expeditious 23
- fantabulous 21
- farinaceous 19
- farraginous 18
- ferriferous 18
- ferruginous 19
- fibromatous 21
- filamentous 20
- fissiparous 18
- flirtatious 16
- floriferous 19
- frugivorous 22
- fungivorous 23
- furunculous 23
- gemmiparous 23
- graniferous 18
- granivorous 19
- gypsiferous 22
- hemipterous 20
- heptamerous 20
- herbivorous 21
- homogeneous 20
- homophonous 23
- homopterous 20
- homosporous 20
- hydrogenous 20
- ignominious 19
- illustrious 15
- impecunious 23
- incapacious 22
- incongruous 20
- incredulous 19
- industrious 15
- injudicious 27
- intravenous 18
- irreligious 15
- isochronous 18
- isomorphous 20
- kreophagous 23
- lactiferous 19
- lepromatous 19
- ligamentous 19
- magnanimous 22
- melliferous 20
- mellifluous 22
- membraneous 22
- meritorious 15
- microporous 21
- mischievous 24
- monocarpous 22
- monoclinous 21
- monolatrous 17
- monophagous 23
- mountainous 18
- multiparous 20
- mycophagous 27
- myelogenous 21
- myelomatous 21
- necessitous 16
- nitriferous 16
- nitrogenous 16
- nonluminous 20
- nonsensuous 16
- nonvenomous 22
- nulliparous 19
- odoriferous 16
- oligomerous 18
- ombrogenous 21
- omnifarious 19
- opprobrious 21
- overanxious 24
- overcurious 20
- overobvious 23
- overserious 16
- overzealous 26
- papyraceous 23
- pathogenous 20
- pentamerous 19
- perspicuous 22
- pestiferous 18
- phosphorous 22
- piscivorous 22
- polyamorous 21
- polyandrous 20
- polyestrous 18
- polyonymous 24
- polyphagous 25
- polyphonous 24
- precipitous 21
- prestigious 17
- pretentious 16
- primiparous 21
- prognathous 20
- proliferous 19
- promiscuous 22
- protandrous 17
- protogynous 20
- pruriginous 19
- punctilious 21
- repetitious 15
- rhizomatous 26
- rumbustious 20
- sanguineous 17
- saponaceous 19
- sarcomatous 18
- scoriaceous 18
- scrumptious 22
- sententious 14
- serpiginous 18
- solanaceous 17
- somniferous 19
- splendorous 18
- spontaneous 17
- sporogenous 18
- stentorious 13
- sulphureous 20
- superfluous 21
- sympetalous 21
- symphonious 23
- synchronous 21
- tautologous 16
- temerarious 15
- tempestuous 19
- tendencious 18
- tendentious 15
- terraqueous 22
- terricolous 16
- terrigenous 15
- tetramerous 15
- theophorous 19
- treacherous 17
- triquetrous 22
- tuberculous 21
- umbriferous 22
- unambiguous 23
- unambitious 20
- unconscious 21
- unfrivolous 22
- unglamorous 20
- unmalicious 21
- unmelodious 19
- unreligious 17
- unrighteous 18
- uriniferous 17
- vertiginous 19
- xerophilous 25
- xylophagous 29
- semelparous 15
- ablatitious 13
- acarpellous 15
- achromatous 18
- acrocarpous 17
- acrodromous 16
- addititious 13
- adiaphorous 17
- adipocerous 16
- albugineous 14
- alismaceous 15
- allotropous 13
- amentaceous 15
- ametabolous 15
- ammophilous 20
- amphipodous 21
- anamorphous 18
- androgenous 13
- anisomerous 13
- antibilious 13
- araliaceous 13
- arboraceous 15
- ascititious 13
- athermanous 16
- atramentous 13
- autophagous 17
- autophanous 16
- bacciferous 20
- baccivorous 20
- betulaceous 15
- brachyurous 21
- bulbiferous 18
- butyraceous 18
- calcigerous 16
- carduaceous 16
- carnaptious 15
- carunculous 15
- caulicolous 15
- cauligenous 14
- celliferous 16
- cerebellous 15
- cheliferous 19
- chilopodous 19
- chlamydeous 22
- chyliferous 22
- chymiferous 24
- cineritious 13
- clavigerous 17
- cocciferous 20
- coconscious 17
- combustious 17
- compositous 17
- conceptious 17
- concolorous 15
- corniferous 16
- cornigerous 14
- corticolous 15
- couscousous 15
- culmiferous 18
- cunctatious 15
- curnaptious 15
- cycadaceous 21
- cymophanous 23
- cyperaceous 20
- cystogenous 17
- demiurgeous 15
- dentigerous 13
- diathermous 17
- dicephalous 19
- didactylous 18
- disgracious 15
- disquietous 21
- dorsiferous 15
- dulcifluous 17
- ectosarcous 15
- encephalous 18
- endochylous 20
- endocrinous 14
- endophagous 18
- endosporous 14
- enneandrous 12
- entophytous 19
- epignathous 17
- epipetalous 15
- epiphyllous 21
- episepalous 15
- eriophorous 16
- facinerious 16
- febriferous 19
- ferulaceous 16
- foetiparous 16
- folliculous 16
- frugiferous 18
- furciferous 19
- gemmiferous 19
- glumiferous 17
- gonophorous 17
- gressorious 12
- guaniferous 15
- gummiferous 19
- guttiferous 15
- halophilous 19
- helminthous 19
- hemitropous 18
- heptagynous 20
- heptandrous 17
- hercogamous 19
- hippodamous 21
- homeomerous 18
- horrisonous 14
- hylophagous 23
- hypergamous 22
- hypnogenous 20
- hyponitrous 19
- icosandrous 14
- icteritious 13
- immomentous 17
- imponderous 16
- impostorous 15
- imposturous 15
- inconscious 15
- indeciduous 15
- infructuous 16
- inofficious 19
- inquilinous 20
- interfluous 14
- iteroparous 13
- jocoserious 20
- katadromous 18
- lactifluous 16
- larviparous 16
- lateritious 11
- lentiginous 12
- lethiferous 17
- lignicolous 14
- lignivorous 15
- lithodomous 17
- lithogenous 15
- lithotomous 16
- longanimous 14
- lumbaginous 16
- lythraceous 19
- mammiferous 20
- manniferous 16
- meliphagous 19
- mellivorous 16
- menthaceous 18
- merdivorous 17
- metoestrous 13
- mimosaceous 17
- molybdenous 19
- monostomous 15
- monostylous 16
- monothecous 18
- monticolous 15
- monticulous 15
- morbiferous 18
- mortiferous 16
- multanimous 15
- multifidous 17
- multijugous 21
- myiophilous 21
- myriapodous 19
- neuromatous 13
- noctilucous 15
- noctivagous 17
- nudicaulous 14
- nyctanthous 19
- obliquitous 22
- onagraceous 14
- osteogenous 12
- ostracodous 14
- ostreaceous 13
- overtedious 15
- ovuliferous 17
- ozoniferous 23
- pedetentous 14
- pentagynous 17
- pentandrous 14
- perichylous 21
- perisarcous 15
- philogynous 20
- phlegmonous 19
- piperaceous 17
- piscicolous 17
- pleiomerous 15
- plumigerous 16
- polycarpous 20
- porriginous 14
- precautious 15
- proteaceous 15
- punicaceous 17
- pyrophorous 21
- quarrellous 20
- rhamnaceous 18
- rhizanthous 26
- rhizogenous 24
- rhizopodous 26
- salicaceous 15
- salsuginous 12
- sapotaceous 15
- saprogenous 14
- sauropodous 14
- scaberulous 15
- scapigerous 16
- scotomatous 15
- scribacious 17
- sedimentous 14
- septiferous 16
- sepulchrous 18
- spathaceous 18
- spiniferous 16
- spinigerous 14
- spiriferous 16
- splendidous 15
- stramineous 13
- stupendious 14
- styliferous 17
- subitaneous 13
- subvitreous 16
- syngnathous 18
- synsepalous 16
- tautonymous 16
- teknonymous 20
- temptatious 15
- tendrillous 12
- tentiginous 12
- tetragonous 12
- tetragynous 15
- tetrandrous 12
- tetrapodous 14
- thelytokous 21
- theophagous 20
- theophanous 19
- thuriferous 17
- thysanurous 17
- torpedinous 14
- torrentuous 11
- toxiphagous 24
- trichronous 16
- trimorphous 18
- tripetalous 13
- triphibious 18
- triphyllous 19
- tristichous 16
- tuberaceous 15
- tubiflorous 16
- ulotrichous 16
- umbratilous 15
- uncourteous 13
- unfructuous 16
- unhazardous 24
- unicolorous 13
- uninvidious 15
- unlaborious 13
- unluxurious 18
- unobnoxious 20
- unofficious 19
- unslumbrous 15
- untremulous 13
- unveracious 16
- uriniparous 13
- urticaceous 15
- urticarious 13
- varicellous 16
- vegetatious 15
- veneficious 19
- vermiculous 18
- vermivorous 19
- vortiginous 15
- xiphopagous 26
- xylocarpous 25
- xylophilous 26
- xyridaceous 24
- yttriferous 17
- zinciferous 25
- zinkiferous 27
There are 478 11-letter words ending in ous in the well-known word game dictionary, 162 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 467 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 201 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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