There are a total of 1330 11-letter words containing 'ho', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- abhorrences 20
- abhorrently 20
- acanthodian 19
- achondrites 18
- achondritic 21
- acrophobias 22
- afterschool 20
- aftershocks 23
- agoraphobes 21
- agoraphobia 21
- agoraphobic 24
- ailurophobe 21
- alcoholisms 21
- amenorrhoea 17
- amorphously 23
- amphometers 22
- anacoluthon 20
- anchoresses 17
- anchorwoman 24
- anchorwomen 24
- anchovettas 21
- anglophones 21
- anorthosite 14
- answerphone 21
- anthocyanin 21
- anthologies 17
- anthologise 17
- anthologist 17
- anthologize 26
- antialcohol 19
- anticathode 18
- antiphonals 19
- antiphonary 20
- antiphonies 18
- antityphoid 20
- aparthotels 17
- archbishops 24
- archonships 22
- authoresses 14
- authorising 17
- authorities 14
- authorizers 23
- authorizing 26
- authorships 19
- autochthons 20
- ballyhooing 23
- barbershops 22
- barrelhouse 18
- batholithic 22
- bawdyhouses 23
- blackhouses 25
- blackthorns 25
- blockhouses 25
- bloodhounds 21
- boardshorts 17
- bondholders 20
- bottleshops 20
- breasthooks 20
- bronchocele 24
- brotherhood 19
- bumbershoot 23
- bunnyhopped 28
- buttonholed 20
- buttonholer 19
- buttonholes 19
- buttonhooks 22
- cacophonies 23
- cacophonous 24
- cameraphone 23
- camphorated 23
- camphorates 22
- caoutchoucs 24
- cardholders 19
- carpophores 22
- catholicate 20
- catholicity 22
- catholicize 29
- catholicons 21
- cavaquinhos 31
- choanocytes 22
- chocaholics 25
- chockablock 34
- chockstones 24
- chocoholics 25
- chocolatier 20
- choirmaster 19
- chokecherry 27
- chokepoints 24
- cholangitis 20
- cholestases 17
- cholestasis 17
- cholestatic 20
- cholesteric 20
- cholesterol 18
- cholinergic 23
- chondrocyte 23
- chondroitin 19
- chordophone 23
- chordotonal 19
- choreograph 23
- chorography 25
- chowderhead 23
- chromophobe 27
- chromophore 24
- cinchonines 22
- cinchonisms 24
- clavichords 25
- clodhoppers 24
- clodhopping 27
- coachhouses 22
- coanchoring 23
- coauthoring 20
- coffeehouse 23
- coffeeshops 25
- cohostessed 17
- cohostesses 16
- colophonies 21
- copyholders 23
- cornershops 20
- countershot 18
- courthouses 18
- cousinhoods 19
- crackhouses 24
- crapshooter 19
- ctenophoran 21
- ctenophores 20
- customhouse 21
- cyberphobes 27
- cyberphobia 27
- cyberphobic 30
- diadelphous 20
- diaphorases 17
- diaphoreses 17
- diaphoresis 17
- diaphoretic 20
- dichogamies 22
- dichogamous 23
- dichotomies 20
- dichotomise 20
- dichotomist 20
- dichotomize 29
- dichotomous 21
- dimethoates 17
- diphosgenes 20
- diphosphate 22
- diphthongal 23
- dishonestly 18
- dishonorers 15
- dishonoring 18
- dishonoured 17
- dodecaphony 24
- echosounder 19
- echoviruses 21
- entryphones 20
- erythorbate 18
- ethological 20
- ethologists 16
- euchologion 21
- euphonising 21
- euphonizing 30
- euphoriants 18
- exhortation 21
- exhortative 24
- exhortatory 22
- fatherhoods 19
- fingerholds 21
- fleahoppers 23
- fluegelhorn 22
- flugelhorns 22
- foreshorten 17
- foreshowing 22
- forethought 21
- francophone 24
- freeholders 18
- froghoppers 24
- fundholders 21
- fundholding 24
- gametophore 21
- ghostbuster 19
- ghostliness 17
- ghostwriter 18
- ghostwrites 18
- glasshouses 17
- gonorrhoeal 17
- gramophones 22
- gramophonic 25
- grapholects 22
- grasshopper 21
- greenhouses 17
- guardhouses 18
- guesthouses 17
- haemorrhoid 19
- handholding 22
- harpsichord 22
- heckelphone 27
- hedgehopped 25
- hedgehopper 24
- hemorrhoids 19
- heterophony 21
- highschools 23
- hoarinesses 14
- hobbledehoy 25
- hobbyhorses 23
- hodgepodges 22
- hoggishness 20
- hokeynesses 20
- hokeypokeys 28
- hollandaise 17
- hollowwares 21
- holoblastic 21
- holoenzymes 29
- holographed 22
- holographer 21
- holographic 24
- holophrases 19
- holophrasis 19
- holothurian 18
- holothuroid 18
- holystoning 20
- homebuilder 22
- homecomings 25
- homemakings 26
- homeopathic 24
- homeostases 16
- homeostasis 16
- homeostatic 19
- homeotherms 21
- homeothermy 23
- homeporting 22
- homeschools 22
- homeshoring 21
- homesteaded 18
- homesteader 17
- homestretch 21
- homeworkers 23
- homewrecker 26
- homeynesses 19
- homicidally 24
- homiletical 21
- homiliaries 17
- homocentric 23
- homoeoboxes 26
- homoeopaths 21
- homoeopathy 23
- homogametic 24
- homogenates 19
- homogeneity 21
- homogeneous 20
- homogenised 20
- homogeniser 19
- homogenises 19
- homogenized 29
- homogenizer 28
- homogenizes 28
- homographic 26
- homoiotherm 21
- homoiousian 18
- homologated 20
- homologates 19
- homological 23
- homologised 20
- homologises 19
- homologized 29
- homologizer 28
- homologizes 28
- homomorphic 27
- homonuclear 22
- homoousians 18
- homophobias 24
- homophonies 22
- homophonous 23
- homoplasies 20
- homoplastic 23
- homopolymer 25
- homopterans 20
- homopterous 20
- homosexuals 25
- homospories 19
- homosporous 20
- homothallic 23
- homozygoses 29
- homozygosis 29
- homozygotes 29
- honeycombed 26
- honeyeaters 16
- honeyguides 20
- honeylocust 21
- honeymooned 21
- honeymooner 20
- honeysucker 24
- honeysuckle 25
- honorariums 18
- hoodlumisms 22
- hoodwinkers 22
- hoodwinking 25
- hooliganism 20
- hopefulness 22
- hopsackings 26
- hopscotched 25
- hopscotches 24
- horizonless 24
- horizontale 24
- horizontals 24
- hormogonium 23
- hormonelike 22
- hornblendes 20
- hornblendic 23
- horninesses 15
- hornswoggle 22
- horological 20
- horologists 16
- horrifiedly 20
- horripilate 17
- horrisonant 15
- horselaughs 19
- horseplayer 19
- horsepowers 19
- horseracing 19
- horseradish 16
- horseshoers 15
- horsetraded 15
- horsetrades 14
- horsinesses 14
- hortatively 20
- hospitalers 17
- hospitalise 17
- hospitalism 20
- hospitality 19
- hospitalize 26
- hospitaller 18
- hostilities 14
- hotelkeeper 21
- hotheadedly 20
- hotpressing 19
- houndfishes 21
- houndstooth 18
- hourglasses 17
- houseboater 17
- housebreaks 21
- housebroken 22
- housecarles 18
- housecleans 19
- housefather 19
- housefronts 18
- houseguests 17
- householder 18
- housekeeper 21
- houselights 19
- housemaster 17
- housemother 19
- houseparent 18
- houseperson 18
- houseplants 19
- housesitter 14
- housewifely 23
- housewifery 22
- hovercrafts 23
- hovertrains 18
- husbandhood 22
- hydrophobia 24
- hydrophobic 27
- hydrophones 22
- hydrothorax 25
- inchoatives 21
- interschool 18
- isomorphous 20
- kinetochore 21
- knighthoods 23
- kolkhozniki 36
- kolkhozniks 36
- landholders 18
- landholding 21
- leafhoppers 23
- leaseholder 16
- leucorrhoea 18
- lighthouses 19
- likelihoods 20
- lithographs 21
- lithography 23
- lithologies 17
- lithophanes 20
- lithophytes 21
- lithosphere 19
- lithotomies 17
- lithotomist 17
- lithotripsy 19
- lithotrites 14
- livelihoods 20
- loanholders 17
- logorrhoeic 19
- longshoring 20
- lophophores 22
- lymphoblast 26
- lymphocytes 27
- lymphocytic 30
- lymphograms 27
- lymphokines 27
- maidenhoods 19
- mailshotted 18
- marathoners 17
- marathoning 20
- masterhoods 17
- matronhoods 18
- megaphoning 25
- melancholia 22
- melancholic 25
- melanophore 21
- mellophones 22
- mentholated 19
- methodisers 17
- methodising 20
- methodistic 20
- methodizers 26
- methodizing 29
- methodology 22
- micromethod 23
- microphones 23
- microphonic 26
- minischools 21
- monophonies 21
- monophthong 25
- morphogenic 25
- morphologic 25
- morphometry 24
- motherhoods 19
- motherhouse 19
- moviehouses 21
- multiauthor 19
- multiphoton 22
- muttonchops 24
- mythography 27
- mythologers 21
- mythologies 21
- mythologise 21
- mythologist 21
- mythologize 30
- mythomaniac 25
- mythomanias 22
- mythopoeias 21
- mythopoetic 24
- nationhoods 16
- nearshoring 17
- necrophobia 23
- negrophobes 22
- negrophobia 22
- neoorthodox 22
- nephoscopes 23
- nonhormonal 20
- nonhospital 19
- nonhousings 19
- nonorthodox 23
- nonphonemic 25
- nonphonetic 22
- notochordal 19
- nyctophobia 25
- nympholepsy 28
- nympholepts 26
- nymphomania 26
- octothorpes 19
- odontophore 18
- ommatophore 22
- opisthosoma 19
- ornithology 19
- ornithopods 18
- ornithopter 17
- orphanhoods 20
- orthocenter 17
- orthoclases 17
- orthodontia 15
- orthodontic 18
- orthodoxies 21
- orthodromic 20
- orthoepists 16
- orthography 22
- orthonectid 18
- orthonormal 18
- orthopaedic 20
- orthopedics 20
- orthopedist 17
- orthopteran 17
- orthoptists 16
- orthorexics 23
- orthoscopic 22
- orthostatic 16
- orthostichy 20
- orthotropic 19
- otterhounds 16
- outhomering 20
- outshooting 17
- outshopping 23
- outshouting 18
- overholding 22
- overthought 22
- paratyphoid 22
- parenthoods 18
- patchoulies 21
- pathogenous 20
- pathography 25
- pathologies 19
- pathologise 19
- pathologist 19
- pathologize 28
- peashooters 16
- pentachords 21
- peoplehoods 21
- personhoods 18
- phoenixlike 29
- phonemicist 23
- phonetician 21
- phoneticise 20
- phoneticism 23
- phoneticist 20
- phoneticize 29
- phoninesses 18
- phonogramic 25
- phonographs 24
- phonography 26
- phonologies 20
- phonologist 20
- phonotactic 23
- phosphatase 21
- phosphatide 22
- phosphatize 30
- phosphonate 22
- phosphonium 26
- phosphorite 21
- phosphorous 22
- phosphoryls 24
- photoactive 23
- photobombed 26
- photobomber 25
- photocopied 23
- photocopier 22
- photocopies 22
- photodiodes 18
- photoessays 18
- photofinish 22
- photofloods 21
- photographs 23
- photography 25
- photoionize 26
- photolysing 22
- photolyzing 31
- photomapped 26
- photometers 19
- photometric 22
- photomosaic 22
- photomurals 21
- photoperiod 20
- photophases 21
- photophobia 24
- photophobic 27
- photophores 21
- photoreduce 21
- photoresist 16
- photosetter 16
- photoshoots 18
- photosphere 21
- photostated 17
- photostatic 19
- photosystem 21
- phototactic 22
- phototrophs 21
- phototropic 22
- pigeonholed 21
- pigeonholer 20
- pigeonholes 20
- pilothouses 18
- placeholder 22
- planthopper 24
- playschools 23
- pogonophora 22
- polyalcohol 24
- polychotomy 27
- polyphonies 23
- polyphonist 23
- polyphonous 24
- porterhouse 17
- postholiday 20
- potshotting 19
- powerhouses 20
- prehominids 21
- preschooler 20
- priesthoods 17
- prognathous 20
- prophethood 22
- prothoraces 19
- prothoracic 22
- prothoraxes 23
- psychodrama 25
- psychogenic 27
- psychograph 28
- psychologic 27
- psychometry 26
- psychomotor 24
- psychopaths 26
- psychopathy 28
- psychopomps 30
- pyrrhotites 18
- pythonesses 19
- quadraphony 30
- quadrophony 30
- quickthorns 31
- radiophones 18
- radiophonic 21
- radiophotos 17
- reauthorize 23
- reschooling 20
- retrochoirs 16
- reupholster 18
- rhodophytes 21
- rhombohedra 22
- rhomboideus 21
- rhombozoans 29
- rhynchosaur 22
- roadholding 19
- rockhoppers 26
- roughhoused 20
- roughhouses 19
- roundhouses 17
- sandhoppers 21
- saxophonist 24
- scattershot 16
- scholarship 22
- scholastics 20
- scholiastic 20
- schoolboard 21
- schoolbooks 24
- schoolchild 24
- schoolgirls 20
- schoolgoing 22
- schoolhouse 20
- schoolmarms 23
- schoolmates 20
- schoolnight 22
- schoolrooms 20
- schooltimes 20
- schoolworks 24
- schoolyards 20
- schoolyears 19
- schottische 21
- scopophobia 25
- screenshots 17
- scyphozoans 31
- seborrhoeic 19
- semaphoring 22
- servanthood 19
- shareholder 17
- shocktroops 23
- shoehorning 19
- shoeshiners 16
- shoestrings 16
- shongololos 18
- shopaholics 22
- shopfitters 19
- shopfitting 22
- shopkeepers 23
- shopkeeping 26
- shoplifters 20
- shoplifting 23
- shopwalkers 24
- shopwindows 24
- shopworkers 23
- shorefronts 17
- shortbreads 17
- shortchange 21
- shortcoming 22
- shortcrusts 17
- shortenings 17
- shorthaired 16
- shorthanded 18
- shortlisted 15
- shortlistee 14
- shortnesses 14
- shotglasses 16
- shotgunners 18
- shotgunning 21
- shotputters 17
- shoulderbag 21
- shouldering 19
- shovelboard 22
- shovelheads 21
- shovelnoses 19
- showboaters 19
- showboating 22
- showerheads 19
- showerproof 22
- showgrounds 21
- showinesses 17
- showjumpers 32
- showjumping 35
- showmanship 25
- showrooming 22
- showstopper 22
- siderophore 17
- sighthounds 20
- silhouetted 16
- silhouettes 15
- sisterhoods 14
- sixshooters 20
- slaveholder 20
- sleuthhound 20
- smallholder 20
- smartphones 20
- smokehouses 21
- snapshooter 17
- snapshotted 18
- snowshoeing 20
- softshoeing 19
- sousaphones 18
- spacehopper 25
- sporophores 19
- springhouse 20
- squirehoods 24
- stadholders 16
- stadtholder 16
- stakeholder 19
- stallholder 17
- statehouses 14
- steakhouses 18
- stereophony 19
- stethoscope 19
- stichomythy 25
- stockholder 22
- stockhorses 20
- storehouses 14
- strongholds 18
- stylophones 20
- sugarhouses 17
- sulphonated 20
- sulphonates 19
- summerhouse 21
- supermachos 23
- superschool 21
- switchovers 23
- symphonious 23
- symphonists 22
- tachographs 23
- tachometers 19
- taphonomies 20
- taphonomist 20
- taurocholic 21
- technophobe 25
- telephoners 18
- telephonies 18
- telephoning 21
- telephonist 18
- tenterhooks 18
- tetrachords 17
- theophorous 19
- thoracotomy 21
- thorianites 14
- thornbushes 20
- thoroughest 18
- thoroughpin 22
- thoughtform 24
- thoughtless 19
- thoughtways 23
- thousandths 18
- titleholder 16
- toddlerhood 17
- toolholders 16
- transphobia 20
- trapshooter 16
- treehoppers 19
- trichocysts 21
- trichogynes 21
- trichomonad 21
- trichomonal 21
- trichoptera 19
- triphthongs 21
- trochophore 21
- trophoblast 20
- trophozoite 25
- troubleshot 18
- tumblehomes 24
- unanchoring 22
- undershoots 16
- undershorts 16
- unholstered 17
- unitholders 17
- unorthodoxy 25
- unscholarly 22
- unshockable 26
- unwholesome 22
- upholstered 19
- upholsterer 18
- urochordate 18
- vibraphones 24
- victimhoods 24
- videophones 22
- warehousers 17
- warehousing 20
- webhostings 22
- wheelhorses 19
- wheelhouses 20
- whitethorns 19
- wholenesses 18
- wholesalers 18
- wholesaling 21
- wholesomely 23
- whorehouses 19
- whoremaster 19
- whoremonger 22
- whorishness 19
- whosesoever 20
- widowerhood 21
- withholders 20
- withholding 23
- woodchopper 26
- workaholics 24
- workaholism 24
- workshopped 27
- xanthophyll 30
- xenophobias 27
- xylophonist 27
- aerophobias 18
- antichoicer 18
- antihormone 16
- barachoises 18
- boozehounds 26
- chondromata 19
- chopsockies 24
- choucroutes 18
- diphthonged 22
- familyhoods 23
- geezerhoods 25
- germophobes 21
- germophobic 23
- glyphosates 20
- gonorrhoeas 15
- homocercies 20
- homophylies 24
- homostylies 19
- hoppinesses 18
- horoscopies 18
- hospitalist 16
- leptophoses 18
- mischoosing 19
- multihomers 18
- nephologies 17
- offshorings 21
- overhonored 18
- pathogenies 17
- phonotypies 21
- photoagings 18
- phototaxies 23
- prechoosing 19
- preholidays 20
- reshowering 18
- shoemakings 21
- shootaround 15
- shortwaving 21
- showbizzier 37
- teleshopped 19
- trichomonas 18
- wholesomest 19
- abhominable 20
- acrophonies 18
- adhocracies 19
- adiaphorism 19
- adiaphorist 17
- adiaphorous 17
- akoluthoses 18
- alcoholised 17
- alcoholises 16
- alcoholized 26
- alcoholizes 25
- algophobias 19
- allicholies 16
- anachorisms 18
- anamorphous 18
- anaphoreses 16
- anaphoresis 16
- anaphorical 18
- anchorettes 16
- androphores 17
- anemochores 18
- anemophobia 20
- anglophobes 19
- anglophobia 19
- anglophobic 21
- anglophonic 19
- anthochlore 19
- anthomaniac 18
- anthomanias 16
- anthophores 19
- anthotaxies 21
- antiphoners 16
- aquaphobias 27
- aquaphobics 29
- archologies 17
- archontates 16
- archoplasms 20
- astraphobia 18
- astraphobic 20
- astrophobia 18
- astrophobic 20
- authorcraft 19
- authorisers 14
- autochthony 22
- autophobias 18
- autophobies 18
- autophonies 16
- axerophthol 26
- bathochrome 23
- bathometers 18
- bathometric 20
- bathophobia 23
- beadlehoods 18
- beggarhoods 19
- benthoscope 20
- bishopbirds 21
- bishopesses 18
- bishopweeds 22
- buttonholds 17
- canophobias 20
- cataphonics 20
- catholicise 18
- catholicism 20
- charthouses 19
- choirscreen 18
- choirstalls 16
- cholagogues 18
- cholesterin 16
- choliambics 22
- chomophytes 26
- chondrified 21
- chondrifies 20
- choregraphs 22
- choregraphy 25
- choreodrama 19
- choriambics 22
- chorisation 16
- chorization 25
- choroiditis 17
- chorologies 17
- chorologist 17
- choropleths 21
- chountering 17
- cinchoninic 20
- cinchonised 19
- cinchonises 18
- cinchonized 28
- cinchonizes 27
- clarichords 19
- cohortative 19
- commonholds 21
- crithomancy 23
- cynophobias 23
- deaconhoods 18
- dehortation 15
- dehortative 18
- dehortatory 18
- deschoolers 17
- deschooling 18
- diphthongic 23
- disanchored 18
- discophoran 19
- dishonorary 18
- dishonourer 15
- drearihoods 16
- dromophobia 21
- drunkathons 19
- duckshovers 24
- duckshoving 25
- echopraxias 25
- emetophobia 20
- enchondroma 19
- epanaphoral 18
- epanaphoras 18
- ephoralties 16
- epignathous 17
- epiphonemas 20
- epitrochoid 19
- ergophobias 19
- eriophorous 16
- eriophorums 18
- erotophobia 18
- euchologies 17
- euphorbiums 20
- europhobias 18
- fathometers 19
- felspathoid 20
- felspathose 19
- fingerholes 18
- flapperhood 22
- fluorophore 19
- forhooieing 18
- francophobe 23
- genophobias 19
- gentilhomme 19
- gentlehoods 16
- glucophores 19
- glyphograph 26
- gnathonical 17
- gnathostome 17
- goddesshood 18
- gonophorous 17
- gonorrhoeic 17
- graphologic 20
- graphomania 19
- graphomotor 19
- grindhouses 16
- gynophobias 22
- gynophobics 24
- harmoniphon 21
- heliophobic 23
- helminthoid 20
- helminthous 19
- heptachords 22
- hexastichon 26
- hierophobia 21
- hierophobic 23
- hippophobes 25
- hobbyhorsed 25
- hobgoblinry 22
- hobjobbings 28
- hochmagandy 26
- hodographic 23
- hodometries 17
- holderships 20
- holobenthic 21
- holocaustal 16
- holocaustic 18
- holohedrism 20
- holohedrons 18
- holomorphic 23
- holophytism 24
- homeomeries 18
- homeomerous 18
- homeomorphs 23
- homeomorphy 26
- homeworking 24
- homoblastic 20
- homoeomeric 20
- homoeomorph 23
- homoeotypic 23
- homoerotism 18
- homogeneses 17
- homogenesis 17
- homogenetic 19
- homologiser 17
- homophyllic 26
- homothermal 21
- homothermic 23
- homozygotic 31
- honeymonths 22
- honorifical 19
- hootanannie 14
- hootenannie 14
- hootnannies 14
- hoplologies 17
- hoplologist 17
- horographer 20
- horologions 15
- horologiums 17
- horometries 16
- horoscopist 18
- horripilant 16
- horrisonous 14
- hortatorily 17
- hostellings 15
- housecrafts 19
- housellings 15
- houseworker 21
- howsomdever 23
- hoydenhoods 22
- hydrochores 23
- hydrochoric 25
- hymenophore 24
- hypsophobes 26
- hypsophobia 26
- inchoations 16
- infanthoods 18
- interphones 16
- invalidhood 19
- jealoushood 22
- jumhouriyas 26
- kenophobias 22
- kinglihoods 20
- lagerphones 17
- lampholders 19
- lithochromy 24
- lithoclasts 16
- lithodomous 17
- lithogenous 15
- lithoglyphs 23
- litholapaxy 26
- lithologist 15
- lithomarges 17
- lithometeor 16
- lithophysae 22
- lithophyses 22
- lithophytic 24
- lithoprints 16
- lithostatic 16
- lithotomous 16
- lithotritic 16
- lithotritor 14
- logorrhoeas 15
- lophobranch 23
- lymphopenia 23
- menorrhoeas 16
- mesobenthos 18
- mesothorium 18
- metaphorist 18
- methomanias 18
- misthoughts 20
- monophobias 20
- monophobics 22
- morphotropy 23
- mysophobias 23
- mythologian 20
- mythopoeism 23
- mythopoeist 21
- mythopoeses 21
- mythopoesis 21
- necrophobes 20
- necrophobic 22
- nematophore 18
- nephographs 22
- nephologist 17
- nosophobias 18
- novicehoods 20
- nursehounds 15
- nyctanthous 19
- nyctophobic 25
- ochlophobia 23
- ochlophobic 25
- octachordal 19
- octastichon 18
- odoriphores 17
- ombrophobes 22
- onychomancy 26
- onychophagy 28
- ornithosaur 14
- orthoborate 16
- orthocaines 16
- orthocentre 16
- orthoepical 18
- orthogenics 17
- orthognathy 21
- orthographs 20
- orthopedias 17
- orthopedies 17
- orthophyres 22
- orthophyric 24
- orthopnoeas 16
- orthopraxes 23
- orthopraxis 23
- orthoprisms 18
- orthopteron 16
- orthoscopes 18
- overshowers 20
- panophobias 20
- pantophobia 20
- paraphonias 18
- pathophobia 23
- penthousing 17
- phagophobia 24
- phocomelias 20
- phocomelies 20
- phoenixisms 25
- phonemicise 20
- phonemicize 29
- phonetising 17
- phonetizing 26
- phonofiddle 21
- phonometers 18
- phonometric 20
- phonophobia 23
- phonophores 21
- phonoscopes 20
- phonotypers 21
- phonotyping 22
- phonotypist 21
- phosgenites 17
- phosphating 22
- phosphatise 21
- phosphorate 21
- phosphorets 21
- phosphorise 21
- phosphorism 23
- phosphorize 30
- phosphurets 21
- photobathic 23
- photochromy 26
- photogenies 17
- photoglyphs 25
- photoglyphy 28
- photoionise 16
- photolithos 19
- photonastic 18
- photonovels 19
- photophilic 23
- photophobes 23
- photophones 21
- photophonic 23
- phototropes 18
- phototypies 21
- phototyping 22
- pitchometer 20
- plerophoria 18
- plethorical 18
- pneumathode 19
- pocketphone 24
- pompholyxes 30
- postholders 17
- princehoods 19
- promachoses 20
- psychobilly 26
- psychodelia 22
- psychodelic 24
- psychogases 22
- psychograms 24
- psychomachy 31
- psychometer 23
- psychonomic 25
- psychophily 29
- psychotoxic 30
- ptochocracy 25
- pyrophobias 23
- pyrophobics 25
- pyrophorous 21
- pyrrhotines 19
- ramgunshoch 22
- reauthorise 14
- rhinorrhoea 17
- rhizanthous 26
- rhizophores 28
- rhodanising 16
- rhodanizing 25
- rhododaphne 21
- rhodophanes 20
- rhotacising 17
- rhotacistic 18
- rhotacizing 26
- rhoticities 16
- rhynchocoel 24
- rhynchodont 23
- scholarlier 16
- schoolcraft 21
- schooleries 16
- schoolmaids 19
- schooltides 17
- schoolwards 20
- schorlomite 18
- scirrhosity 19
- scrimshoner 18
- seborrhoeal 16
- seborrhoeas 16
- shellshocks 23
- shoalnesses 14
- shockheaded 25
- shockstalls 20
- shopaholism 21
- shopbreaker 22
- shortboards 17
- shortswords 18
- shotmakings 21
- shouthering 18
- showeriness 17
- sialorrhoea 14
- silverhorns 17
- singlehoods 16
- siphonogams 19
- siphonogamy 22
- sitiophobia 18
- sitophobias 18
- spirophores 18
- sporophoric 20
- stethoscopy 21
- stichometry 21
- stillhouses 14
- stonehorses 14
- sulphoniums 18
- symphonions 21
- synchoreses 19
- synchoresis 19
- syngnathous 18
- tachometric 20
- taphephobia 23
- taphephobic 25
- taphophobia 23
- tautophonic 18
- tchoukballs 22
- teichopsias 18
- theophobiac 23
- theophobias 21
- theophobist 21
- thioalcohol 19
- thornhedges 19
- thornproofs 19
- thoroughwax 28
- thoughtcast 20
- tichorrhine 19
- toxiphobiac 27
- toxiphobias 25
- traitorhood 15
- trichogynic 22
- trichotomic 20
- trimorphous 18
- tripehounds 17
- tristichous 16
- trochometer 18
- trochotrons 16
- trophoplasm 20
- trophotaxes 23
- trophotaxis 23
- ulotrichous 16
- unbishoping 19
- underhonest 15
- unhopefully 22
- upholstress 16
- veldschoens 20
- videophonic 22
- virginhoods 19
- visiophones 19
- waiterhoods 18
- whodunnitry 21
- wholestitch 22
- xanthophyls 29
- xanthopsias 23
- xenophobies 25
- xiphopagous 26
- xiphosurans 23
- zanthoxylum 35
- zelophobias 27
- zelophobics 29
There are 1330 11-letter words containing ho in the well-known word game dictionary, 681 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 1222 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 816 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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