There are a total of 175 11-letter words containing 'gg', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- agglomerate 19
- agglutinate 18
- agglutinins 19
- aggradation 17
- aggrandised 18
- aggrandiser 17
- aggrandises 17
- aggrandized 27
- aggrandizer 26
- aggrandizes 26
- aggravating 22
- aggravation 20
- aggregately 20
- aggregating 20
- aggregation 18
- aggregative 21
- aggregators 17
- aggressions 16
- aggrievedly 23
- antifogging 22
- arpeggiated 19
- arpeggiates 18
- arpeggiator 18
- arpeggiones 19
- autosuggest 17
- backlogging 29
- bagginesses 19
- balbriggans 23
- ballyragged 23
- bedraggling 23
- beggarticks 25
- beggarweeds 22
- beggarwoman 25
- beggarwomen 25
- boondoggled 22
- boondoggler 21
- boondoggles 21
- bootleggers 19
- bootlegging 22
- braggadocio 22
- bulldoggers 22
- bulldogging 25
- bullyragged 24
- chinwagging 27
- chugalugged 26
- clamdiggers 23
- crosslegged 20
- daggerboard 20
- ditchdigger 22
- doggishness 19
- doggonedest 18
- exaggerated 23
- exaggerates 22
- exaggerator 22
- fogginesses 19
- footdragger 19
- footslogged 20
- footslogger 19
- golddiggers 20
- golddigging 23
- gravedigger 22
- haggadistic 21
- haggardness 19
- hairtrigger 17
- handbagging 25
- hoggishness 20
- hornswoggle 22
- juggernauts 27
- keyloggings 25
- laggardness 18
- lallygagged 23
- lallygagger 22
- leapfrogged 23
- legginesses 17
- liveblogged 25
- loggerheads 19
- lollygagged 23
- lollygagger 22
- meshuggener 22
- mobloggings 25
- mugginesses 20
- nonclogging 24
- outbragging 22
- outdragging 20
- passeggiata 18
- passeggiate 18
- pettifogged 22
- pettifogger 21
- piggishness 21
- piggybacked 31
- raggamuffin 26
- reaggregate 17
- rejiggering 27
- ruggedizing 29
- sandbaggers 20
- sandbagging 23
- scragginess 19
- scraggliest 19
- sculduggery 24
- shaggymanes 23
- skulduggery 25
- sogginesses 16
- squiggliest 26
- staggerbush 21
- straggliest 16
- suggestible 20
- suggestions 17
- taildragger 17
- tobogganers 19
- tobogganing 22
- tobogganist 19
- triggerfish 20
- waggishness 21
- waggonettes 19
- watchdogged 25
- waterlogged 20
- windbaggery 25
- zigzaggedly 39
- birddogging 18
- blacklegged 22
- bogginesses 15
- bugginesses 15
- dogginesses 14
- goggleboxes 23
- monologging 16
- nutmeggiest 15
- outjuggling 21
- pigginesses 15
- polybagging 21
- pugginesses 15
- webloggings 19
- agglutinant 13
- aleggeaunce 15
- beggarhoods 19
- braggartism 17
- craggedness 16
- earwiggings 17
- gangshagged 19
- haggishness 19
- humbuggable 22
- jickajogged 34
- jigajigging 29
- jigajogging 29
- jiggermasts 22
- maggotorium 17
- meshuggenah 21
- meshuggeneh 21
- misguggling 17
- mishguggled 20
- mishguggles 19
- mudloggings 17
- niggardises 14
- niggardizes 23
- niggerheads 17
- niggerlings 14
- periwigging 19
- ruggedising 15
- scriggliest 15
- shaggedness 17
- sharawaggis 19
- sluggardise 14
- sluggardize 23
- sniggerings 14
- staggerings 14
- stragglings 14
- strugglings 14
- suggestibly 18
- swaggerings 17
- tabogganing 16
- tarboggined 16
- tiggywinkle 23
- toboggining 16
- triggerless 13
- waggonloads 17
- whiggamores 21
There are 175 11-letter words containing gg in the well-known word game dictionary, 107 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 153 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 118 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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