There are a total of 483 11-letter words containing 'ex', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- alexandrine 22
- alexandrite 21
- ambisexuals 26
- amplexicaul 30
- annexations 21
- antisexists 19
- asexualised 21
- asexualises 20
- asexualized 30
- asexualizes 29
- biconvexity 31
- bisexuality 25
- bulimarexia 26
- bulimarexic 29
- cataplexies 25
- cephalexins 28
- ciphertexts 26
- coexecutors 25
- coexistence 25
- coextending 26
- coextensive 26
- complexions 29
- complexness 29
- connexional 25
- contextless 23
- contextures 23
- convexities 26
- cyclohexane 30
- desexualise 21
- desexualize 30
- dexterities 19
- dexterously 23
- dextranases 20
- dorsiflexed 24
- dorsiflexes 23
- dorsiflexor 23
- exacerbated 25
- exacerbates 24
- exactitudes 23
- exactnesses 22
- exaggerated 23
- exaggerates 22
- exaggerator 22
- exaltations 20
- exaltedness 21
- examination 23
- exanthemata 24
- exaptations 22
- exasperated 22
- exasperates 21
- excavations 26
- exceedances 26
- exceedingly 28
- excellences 27
- excellently 27
- exceptional 26
- excerptible 28
- excerptions 25
- excessively 28
- excitations 22
- excitements 25
- exclamation 26
- exclamatory 27
- exclusively 30
- exclusivism 30
- exclusivist 27
- exclusivity 29
- excogitated 24
- excogitates 23
- excoriating 24
- excoriation 22
- excremental 26
- excrescence 28
- excrescency 30
- excruciated 26
- excruciates 25
- exculpating 29
- exculpation 27
- exculpatory 28
- excursively 29
- execrations 22
- executables 26
- executioner 23
- executively 29
- executorial 23
- executrices 25
- executrixes 29
- exemplarily 28
- exemplarity 27
- exemplified 29
- exemplifies 28
- exenterated 20
- exenterates 19
- exercisable 25
- exfiltrated 23
- exfiltrates 22
- exfoliating 25
- exfoliation 23
- exfoliative 26
- exfoliators 22
- exhalations 22
- exhaustedly 25
- exhaustible 25
- exhaustions 22
- exhaustless 22
- exhibitions 24
- exhilarated 22
- exhilarates 21
- exhortation 21
- exhortative 24
- exhortatory 22
- exhumations 25
- existential 20
- exodermises 22
- exodontists 20
- exogenously 25
- exonerating 22
- exoneration 20
- exonerative 23
- exonuclease 24
- exorbitance 25
- exoskeletal 24
- exoskeleton 24
- exoticising 24
- exoticizing 33
- expansional 24
- expansively 29
- expansivity 28
- expatiating 24
- expatiation 22
- expatriated 22
- expatriates 21
- expectances 28
- expectantly 28
- expectation 25
- expectative 28
- expectorant 25
- expectorate 24
- expediences 26
- expediently 26
- expeditions 23
- expeditious 23
- expendables 27
- expenditure 24
- expensively 29
- experienced 26
- experiencer 25
- experiences 25
- experiments 25
- expertising 24
- expertizing 33
- expirations 22
- explainable 27
- explanandum 29
- explanantia 24
- explanation 24
- explanative 27
- explanatory 25
- explicandum 31
- explicantia 26
- explicating 28
- explication 26
- explicative 29
- explicators 25
- explicatory 27
- exploitable 26
- exploration 23
- explorative 26
- exploratory 24
- explosively 29
- exponential 24
- exportation 22
- expositions 22
- expostulate 23
- expressages 23
- expressible 25
- expressions 22
- expressways 26
- expropriate 24
- expunctions 27
- expungement 29
- expurgating 27
- expurgation 25
- expurgators 24
- expurgatory 26
- exquisitely 31
- exsiccating 27
- exsiccation 25
- exsolutions 21
- extemporary 26
- extemporise 24
- extemporize 33
- extensional 21
- extensities 19
- extensively 26
- extenuating 23
- extenuation 21
- extenuators 20
- extenuatory 22
- exteriorise 18
- exteriority 20
- exteriorize 27
- exterminate 22
- extermining 25
- externalise 20
- externalism 23
- externalist 20
- externality 22
- externalize 29
- externments 23
- externships 24
- extinctions 23
- extirpating 24
- extirpation 22
- extirpators 21
- extortioner 19
- extractable 25
- extractions 22
- extractives 25
- extraditing 22
- extradition 20
- extrafloral 23
- extralities 19
- extrapolate 22
- extravagant 25
- extravagate 24
- extravasate 22
- extraverted 23
- extremeness 22
- extremities 21
- extricating 24
- extrication 22
- extroverted 23
- exuberances 26
- exuberantly 26
- exuberating 25
- exultancies 24
- exultations 21
- exurbanites 23
- exuviations 24
- flexibility 28
- flexitarian 23
- flexography 31
- genuflexion 27
- hexadecimal 28
- hexagonally 27
- hexahedrons 24
- hexahydrate 25
- hexokinases 25
- homosexuals 25
- hyperextend 27
- hypersexual 27
- indexations 21
- inexactness 23
- inexcitable 26
- inexcusable 27
- inexcusably 29
- inexistence 23
- inexpedient 24
- inexpensive 27
- inexpertise 22
- inflexional 25
- intersexual 21
- irreflexive 26
- lexicalised 24
- lexicalises 23
- lexicalized 33
- lexicalizes 32
- metroplexes 25
- metrosexual 23
- multiplexed 28
- multiplexer 27
- multiplexes 27
- multiplexor 27
- naltrexones 21
- neocortexes 22
- nonexistent 21
- nonsexually 25
- orthorexics 23
- overcomplex 32
- overexcited 26
- overexcites 25
- overexerted 23
- overexpands 27
- overexplain 27
- overexploit 26
- overexposed 26
- overexposes 25
- overextends 24
- perplexedly 29
- phytoalexin 27
- planoconvex 31
- preexistent 22
- preexisting 24
- preexposure 25
- reexamining 25
- reexpelling 26
- reexploring 25
- reexporting 24
- reexposures 22
- reexpressed 22
- reexpresses 21
- reflexively 29
- reflexivity 28
- reflexology 27
- retexturing 22
- retroflexed 23
- sexagesimal 24
- sexlessness 20
- sexological 25
- sexologists 21
- sextillions 21
- sextodecimo 25
- sexualising 23
- sexualities 20
- sexualizing 32
- sociosexual 23
- textacolour 23
- textbookish 27
- textualists 20
- textureless 20
- texturising 22
- texturizing 31
- transexuals 21
- transsexual 21
- uncomplexed 31
- underexpose 24
- unexcitable 27
- unexercised 24
- unexhausted 24
- unexplained 26
- unexploited 25
- unexpressed 24
- unisexually 25
- unnilhexium 28
- vexatiously 26
- vexillology 29
- duplexities 21
- exceedences 23
- excretories 20
- exocytosing 24
- exstrophies 23
- mastopexies 22
- preexciting 23
- preexempted 25
- preexposing 23
- reexecuting 21
- reexhibited 24
- reexplained 21
- retroflexes 21
- subcortexes 22
- textualized 28
- textualizes 27
- vexednesses 22
- vexillaries 21
- aldohexoses 22
- ambidexters 23
- bisexualism 22
- bissextiles 20
- coexecutrix 29
- coextension 20
- complexones 24
- complexuses 24
- contextural 20
- deflexional 22
- dexiotropic 23
- dextrorsely 22
- disannexing 20
- exactresses 20
- examinators 20
- exanimation 20
- exasperater 20
- exasperator 20
- excarnating 21
- excarnation 20
- excerptings 23
- exchequered 33
- excitancies 22
- excitedness 21
- exclamative 25
- excogitable 23
- excogitator 21
- excommunion 24
- excorticate 22
- excrementum 24
- excursioned 21
- executaries 20
- exemplifier 25
- exheredated 23
- exheredates 22
- exhilarants 21
- exhilarator 21
- exocuticles 22
- exonerators 18
- exoparasite 20
- exorability 23
- exorbitancy 25
- exorbitated 21
- exorbitates 20
- exotericism 22
- expatiative 23
- expatiators 20
- expatiatory 23
- expectingly 26
- expeditated 22
- expeditates 21
- expiscating 23
- expiscation 22
- expiscatory 25
- expletively 26
- exploitages 21
- exposedness 21
- expositress 20
- expressness 20
- expressures 20
- exprobrated 23
- exprobrates 22
- expromissor 22
- expugnation 21
- exsanguined 20
- exsiccative 25
- exsiccators 22
- exstipulate 20
- exsufflated 25
- exsufflates 24
- extenuative 21
- extinctures 20
- extirpative 23
- extirpatory 23
- extollingly 22
- extorsively 24
- extractants 20
- extractible 22
- extraposing 21
- extrinsical 20
- exulcerated 21
- exulcerates 20
- flexecutive 26
- flexionless 21
- geotextiles 19
- hexadecanes 24
- hexaemerons 23
- hexahemeric 28
- hexahemeron 26
- hexamerisms 25
- hexametrise 23
- hexametrist 23
- hexametrize 32
- hexaplarian 23
- hexastichal 26
- hexastichic 28
- hexastichon 26
- hexateuchal 26
- hyperorexia 26
- indexterity 22
- inexecrable 22
- inexecution 20
- inexhausted 22
- inexistency 23
- inexpectant 22
- inextension 18
- intrasexual 18
- irreflexion 21
- lexigraphic 26
- pleximeters 22
- pleximetric 24
- pomosexuals 22
- postexilian 20
- reflexional 21
- retrosexual 18
- sexennially 21
- sextonesses 18
- sextonships 23
- superexalts 20
- textualisms 20
- unexcavated 24
- unexclusive 23
- unexpectant 22
- unexpensive 23
- unexperient 20
- unperplexed 23
- unperplexes 22
- vexillation 21
There are 483 11-letter words containing ex in the well-known word game dictionary, 312 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 450 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 337 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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