There are a total of 420 11-letter words containing 'ect', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- acatalectic 21
- adjectively 31
- affectation 21
- affectingly 26
- affectional 22
- affectioned 22
- affectively 27
- affectivity 26
- aftereffect 23
- amylopectin 24
- architected 20
- atelectases 15
- atelectasis 15
- autocorrect 18
- avermectins 22
- bidialectal 20
- bioelectric 21
- bisectional 19
- byelections 21
- catalectics 21
- cataplectic 24
- circumspect 27
- codirecting 21
- codirection 19
- codirectors 18
- colectomies 21
- collectable 23
- collectanea 20
- collectedly 23
- collectible 23
- collections 20
- collectives 23
- complecting 27
- confections 22
- conjectural 29
- conjectured 29
- conjecturer 28
- conjectures 28
- connectable 23
- connectedly 23
- connectible 23
- connections 20
- connectives 23
- convections 23
- correctable 21
- corrections 18
- correctives 21
- correctness 18
- defectively 25
- deflectable 23
- deflections 20
- delectables 20
- delectation 17
- deselecting 19
- deselection 17
- detectorist 15
- dialectally 20
- dialectical 20
- dielectrics 19
- directional 17
- directivity 21
- directorate 15
- directorial 16
- directories 15
- directrices 18
- directrixes 22
- disaffected 22
- disconnects 20
- disinfected 20
- disrespects 18
- dissections 16
- eclecticism 24
- ectogenesis 17
- ectomorphic 25
- ectopically 24
- ectoplasmic 24
- ectothermic 22
- ectotrophic 22
- effectively 27
- effectivity 26
- effectually 25
- effectuated 22
- effectuates 21
- effectuator 21
- eigenvector 21
- electioneer 16
- electorally 19
- electorates 15
- electorship 20
- electresses 15
- electricals 19
- electrician 19
- electricity 20
- electrified 19
- electrifier 18
- electrifies 18
- electrocute 19
- electrocyte 20
- electrofish 20
- electroform 21
- electrogram 20
- electrojets 24
- electroless 16
- electrolier 16
- electrology 20
- electrolyse 18
- electrolyte 18
- electrolyze 27
- electronica 19
- electronics 19
- electroplax 26
- electrotype 20
- electroweak 22
- electuaries 16
- embolectomy 26
- erectnesses 15
- expectances 28
- expectantly 28
- expectation 25
- expectative 28
- expectorant 25
- expectorate 24
- fibronectin 22
- gastrectomy 21
- genuflected 23
- genuflector 22
- geotectonic 20
- gonadectomy 23
- grapholects 22
- hectocotyli 22
- hectogramme 24
- hectographs 23
- hectoliters 17
- hectolitres 17
- hectometers 19
- hectometres 19
- hectoringly 22
- hepatectomy 24
- imperfectly 26
- incorrectly 21
- indirection 17
- ineffective 25
- ineffectual 23
- infectivity 24
- inflectable 23
- inflections 20
- injectables 28
- insectaries 15
- insectarium 19
- insecticide 19
- insectivore 19
- inspections 19
- interjected 25
- interjector 24
- intersected 16
- introjected 25
- introspects 18
- invectively 26
- isoelectric 18
- ivermectins 22
- keratectomy 23
- laminectomy 24
- lectureship 21
- lipectomies 21
- lobectomies 21
- megaproject 31
- microinject 30
- midsections 19
- misconnects 22
- misdirected 19
- myoelectric 23
- nephrectomy 25
- nondirected 18
- nonelection 18
- nonelective 21
- nonelectric 20
- noninfected 21
- nonselected 18
- nonsubjects 29
- objectified 30
- objectifies 29
- objectively 33
- objectivise 30
- objectivism 33
- objectivist 30
- objectivity 32
- objectivize 39
- orthonectid 18
- ovariectomy 23
- overcorrect 21
- overdirects 19
- overprotect 21
- pandectists 19
- pectination 19
- penectomies 21
- perfectible 24
- perfections 21
- perfectives 24
- perfectness 21
- perspective 24
- pluperfects 25
- praelecting 21
- preelecting 21
- preelection 19
- preelectric 21
- preerecting 20
- prefectoral 21
- prefectural 22
- prefectures 21
- prelections 19
- preselected 19
- preselector 18
- projectable 30
- projectiles 27
- projections 27
- prospecting 23
- prospective 24
- prospectors 20
- protectable 21
- protectants 18
- protections 18
- protectives 21
- protectoral 18
- protectress 17
- recollected 20
- reconnected 20
- rectangular 19
- rectifiable 21
- rectilineal 17
- rectilinear 16
- rectorships 19
- redefecting 21
- redirecting 18
- redirection 16
- reelections 16
- refectories 17
- reflectance 22
- reflections 19
- reinfecting 21
- reinfection 19
- reinjecting 27
- reinjection 25
- reinspected 19
- rejectingly 29
- reobjecting 29
- resectional 16
- reselecting 18
- reselection 16
- respectable 21
- respectably 23
- resurrected 16
- retrojected 24
- retrospects 17
- sectilities 15
- sectionable 19
- sectionally 19
- selectional 17
- selectively 22
- selectivity 21
- senectitude 17
- spectacular 22
- spectrogram 22
- spectrolite 18
- splenectomy 24
- starchitect 19
- subdialects 20
- subdirector 19
- subjections 28
- subjectives 31
- subjectless 28
- subprojects 30
- subsections 19
- superinfect 22
- surjections 25
- trajections 24
- transecting 18
- transection 16
- transfected 19
- trisections 15
- tubectomies 21
- unaffecting 25
- uncollected 22
- unconnected 22
- uncorrected 20
- unelectable 21
- uninflected 22
- uninspected 21
- unobjective 32
- unperfected 23
- unprotected 20
- unrectified 20
- unsectarian 17
- unselecting 20
- unselective 21
- unsuspected 21
- vasectomies 21
- vasectomise 21
- vasectomize 30
- vectorially 22
- vectorising 21
- vectorizing 30
- venesection 20
- vivisecting 25
- vivisection 23
- vivisectors 22
- bioprospect 19
- bisectrices 17
- coinfecting 19
- coinfection 18
- delectating 15
- imperfecter 20
- orchiectomy 23
- resubjected 23
- apoplectics 19
- arthrectomy 21
- atelectatic 15
- cachectical 22
- circumflect 22
- collectings 16
- correctible 17
- counterfect 18
- craniectomy 20
- detectivist 17
- disinfector 17
- disjections 21
- dissectible 16
- dissectings 15
- ectoblastic 17
- ectoenzymes 27
- ectogeneses 14
- ectogenetic 16
- ectoplastic 17
- ectosarcous 15
- ejectamenta 22
- electrising 14
- electrizing 23
- electrogens 14
- electromers 15
- electrotint 13
- electrotypy 21
- embryectomy 25
- enterectomy 18
- expectingly 26
- glossectomy 19
- hectography 25
- hectorships 21
- hectosteres 16
- humectating 19
- humectation 18
- inexpectant 22
- infectively 22
- insectiform 18
- insectifuge 17
- insectology 17
- inspectable 17
- inspectoral 15
- intellected 14
- lectorships 18
- miscorrects 17
- neglectable 16
- neglections 14
- objectivate 25
- palmatisect 17
- pectinately 18
- pectisation 15
- pectization 24
- phlebectomy 25
- pinnatisect 15
- plectognath 19
- pneumectomy 22
- porrections 15
- predilected 17
- prefectship 23
- projectings 23
- projectment 24
- projectures 22
- prospection 17
- provections 18
- pylorectomy 23
- quadrisects 23
- rectipetaly 18
- rectiserial 13
- rectoresses 13
- refectioner 16
- refectorian 16
- respectless 15
- resurrector 13
- sectionised 14
- sectionises 13
- sectionized 23
- sectionizes 22
- sectorising 14
- sectorizing 23
- selectorate 13
- selectorial 13
- spectatress 15
- spectrality 18
- spectrology 19
- subjectable 24
- subjectship 27
- subprefects 20
- superfectas 18
- suspectable 17
- suspectedly 19
- suspectless 15
- syntectical 18
- tectibranch 20
- topectomies 17
- tylectomies 18
- unexpectant 22
- unperfectly 21
- unprojected 23
- unreflected 17
- unrespected 16
- unsubjected 23
- vaginectomy 22
- vectographs 22
- vectorscope 20
- venisection 16
- vivisective 22
There are 420 11-letter words containing ect in the well-known word game dictionary, 267 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 399 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 305 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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