There are a total of 2784 11-letter words ending in the letter 'e', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- bestridable 16
- biographise 19
- bursiculate 15
- calumniable 17
- canisterise 13
- canisterize 22
- capernoitie 15
- cataloguise 14
- cauliculate 15
- cloisonnage 14
- colliquable 24
- colonialise 13
- contemnible 17
- cosmeticise 17
- craunchable 20
- crepitative 18
- decerebrise 16
- dedramatise 15
- defeudalise 16
- defibrinise 17
- defibrinize 26
- deformalise 17
- dehypnotise 20
- dendrachate 18
- deoxygenise 23
- desilverise 15
- desulfurise 15
- disquietive 24
- disthronise 15
- disthronize 24
- distincture 14
- emulsionise 13
- encarnalise 13
- encephaline 18
- epidendrone 15
- euthanatise 14
- eventualise 14
- fairniticle 16
- fairnyticle 19
- fernitickle 20
- fernytickle 23
- fractionise 16
- gelliflowre 18
- girdlescone 15
- gutturalise 12
- haemachrome 23
- hexametrise 23
- hexametrize 32
- hibernicise 18
- hispanicise 18
- hootanannie 14
- hootenannie 14
- humbuggable 22
- hydrogenise 19
- hypothetise 22
- illaqueable 22
- intoxicable 22
- inturbidate 14
- isochronise 16
- kleinhuisie 18
- locorestive 16
- magnesstone 14
- malakatoone 17
- metathesise 16
- monologuise 14
- naphthalise 19
- neopaganise 14
- neopaganize 23
- nitrogenise 12
- northernise 14
- notungulate 12
- nudicaudate 15
- oligochrome 19
- oppignerate 16
- oppignorate 16
- ostreophage 17
- outorganise 12
- overdeviate 18
- overutilise 14
- overwrestle 17
- pampelmoose 19
- pampelmouse 19
- papillulate 15
- parfocalise 18
- pedanticise 16
- pedanticize 25
- phenomenise 18
- phenomenize 27
- phonemicise 20
- phosphorise 21
- photoionise 16
- pinnywinkle 23
- piscifaunae 18
- plebeianise 15
- pompelmouse 19
- prodigalise 15
- propylitise 18
- propylitize 27
- protocolise 15
- radicellose 14
- regredience 15
- rehypnotise 19
- relegatable 14
- repetiteuse 13
- rheumateese 16
- rhinothecae 19
- roentgenise 12
- sarcenchyme 23
- satellitise 11
- satirisable 13
- scammoniate 17
- schillerise 16
- schillerize 25
- scripophile 20
- sluggardise 14
- soapolallie 13
- southernise 14
- specialogue 16
- spleenstone 13
- squarsonage 21
There are 2784 11-letter words ending in the letter e in the well-known word game dictionary, 1479 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 2594 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 1842 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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