There are a total of 2784 11-letter words ending in the letter 'e', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- testiculate 16
- skilligolee 16
- discerpible 22
- medievalize 29
- annotatable 17
- peculiarize 24
- pennoncelle 15
- fragmentate 20
- telepathize 26
- wackadoodle 24
- galliardise 13
- appropinque 26
- calendarize 26
- discalceate 16
- colonisable 15
- outpopulate 20
- exsiccative 25
- crescentade 16
- mesquinerie 22
- latiseptate 13
- microflorae 21
- hypothetize 31
- hyalomelane 19
- maskallonge 18
- faineantise 14
- countermure 15
- rhinocerote 16
- breathalyze 28
- supervirile 20
- horripilate 17
- hypsochrome 26
- marcescence 24
- infantilise 17
- folliculate 21
- dissilience 14
- diplomatise 16
- depasturage 18
- glycerinate 20
- rehypnotize 28
- shuttlewise 17
- narrativise 16
- testificate 16
- vociferance 21
- friponnerie 16
- disentrance 14
- vituperable 18
- halfendeale 18
- skillcentre 17
- southernize 23
- vivisective 22
- wranglesome 17
- detritovore 15
- unwoundable 17
- outorganize 24
- whatsisface 22
- hydrogenize 28
- phagocytise 23
- fenestellae 14
- objurgative 24
- encarnalize 22
- northernize 23
- prepollence 17
- betweentime 18
- propitiable 17
- apotheosise 16
- etherealise 14
- inflictable 18
- vasectomize 30
- genealogize 26
- pompelmoose 19
- unfavourite 21
- superfetate 16
- decommunize 32
- emblematise 21
- multijugate 21
- suffumigate 20
- pseudologue 15
- constuprate 15
- comportance 19
- halterbroke 21
- roentgenize 21
- astronomise 13
- succourable 17
- derecognise 18
- officialise 21
- vitrescence 22
- confutative 23
- peninsulate 13
- impoundable 24
- dehortative 18
- coadunative 17
- prodigalize 24
- equilibrize 34
- astronomize 22
- dissuadable 15
- expatiative 23
- altercative 16
- restabilise 13
- excorticate 22
- corporatise 17
- formularise 19
- prussianise 16
- miscreaunce 17
- antalkaline 15
- mathematise 19
- nitrogenate 15
- planogamete 16
- intensative 14
- prefigurate 17
- whatserface 22
- perlustrate 13
- sepiostaire 13
- impleadable 18
- depauperize 25
- desacralise 16
- averruncate 16
- counselable 15
- comminative 20
- retouchable 18
- breathalyse 19
There are 2784 11-letter words ending in the letter e in the well-known word game dictionary, 1479 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 2594 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 1842 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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- 11 letter words ending in er
- 11 letter words ending in ed
- 11 letter words ending in ee
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- 11 letter words ending in ey
- 11 letter words ending in en
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- 11 letter words ending in era
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