There are a total of 65 11-letter words containing 'homo', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- homocentric 23
- homoeoboxes 26
- homoeopaths 21
- homoeopathy 23
- homogametic 24
- homogenates 19
- homogeneity 21
- homogeneous 20
- homogenised 20
- homogeniser 19
- homogenises 19
- homogenized 29
- homogenizer 28
- homogenizes 28
- homographic 26
- homoiotherm 21
- homoiousian 18
- homologated 20
- homologates 19
- homological 23
- homologised 20
- homologises 19
- homologized 29
- homologizer 28
- homologizes 28
- homomorphic 27
- homonuclear 22
- homoousians 18
- homophobias 24
- homophonies 22
- homophonous 23
- homoplasies 20
- homoplastic 23
- homopolymer 25
- homopterans 20
- homopterous 20
- homosexuals 25
- homospories 19
- homosporous 20
- homothallic 23
- homozygoses 29
- homozygosis 29
- homozygotes 29
- psychomotor 24
- trichomonad 21
- trichomonal 21
- homocercies 20
- homophylies 24
- homostylies 19
- trichomonas 18
- chomophytes 26
- graphomotor 19
- homoblastic 20
- homoeomeric 20
- homoeomorph 23
- homoeotypic 23
- homoerotism 18
- homogeneses 17
- homogenesis 17
- homogenetic 19
- homologiser 17
- homophyllic 26
- homothermal 21
- homothermic 23
- homozygotic 31
There are 65 11-letter words containing homo in the well-known word game dictionary, 45 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 63 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 46 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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