There are a total of 263 11-letter words containing 'car', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- acarologist 17
- ballcarrier 19
- barcarolles 19
- becarpeting 23
- bicarbonate 21
- bradycardia 21
- carabineers 18
- carabineros 18
- carabiniere 18
- carabinieri 18
- carabiniers 18
- caracolling 22
- caramelised 19
- caramelises 18
- caramelized 28
- caramelizes 27
- caravanette 19
- caravanners 20
- caravanning 23
- caravansary 21
- carbocation 21
- carbocyclic 29
- carbonadoed 20
- carbonadoes 19
- carbonating 21
- carbonation 19
- carbonatite 18
- carbonfibre 24
- carbonising 21
- carbonizing 30
- carbonnades 20
- carborundum 24
- carboxylase 27
- carboxylate 27
- carbuncular 24
- carburation 19
- carbureting 21
- carburetion 19
- carburetors 18
- carburetted 19
- carburetter 18
- carburettor 18
- carburising 21
- carburizing 30
- carcinogens 21
- carcinomata 21
- cardholders 19
- cardinalate 17
- cardinality 19
- cardiogenic 21
- cardiograms 20
- cardiograph 22
- cardiopathy 22
- cardiotonic 19
- cardmembers 24
- cardplayers 21
- cardsharper 20
- carefullest 20
- carefulness 20
- caregivings 23
- caressingly 20
- caressively 21
- caretakings 21
- careworkers 21
- caricatural 19
- caricatured 19
- caricatures 18
- carillonned 19
- carjackings 33
- carmagnoles 21
- carminative 22
- carnalities 16
- carnallites 17
- carnassials 16
- carnivorous 20
- carotenoids 16
- carotinoids 16
- carpentered 19
- carpentries 18
- carpetweeds 21
- carpogonial 21
- carpogonium 24
- carpophores 22
- carpospores 20
- carrageenan 18
- carrageenin 18
- carragheens 19
- carriageway 21
- carsickness 22
- cartelising 18
- cartelizing 27
- cartography 23
- cartomancer 21
- cartonnages 18
- cartoonings 18
- cartoonists 15
- cartoonlike 20
- cartularies 16
- cartwheeled 21
- cartwheeler 20
- cartwrights 21
- caryopsides 20
- cascarillas 19
- childcarers 21
- decarbonate 19
- decarbonise 19
- decarbonize 28
- decarburise 19
- decarburize 28
- dipterocarp 21
- discardable 20
- endocardial 18
- endocardium 21
- escarpments 21
- formicaries 20
- formicarium 24
- halocarbons 21
- headscarves 21
- housecarles 18
- hydrocarbon 23
- hypothecary 25
- incarcerate 18
- incarnadine 18
- incarnating 19
- incarnation 17
- macrocarpas 23
- mascarpones 21
- metacarpals 21
- miscarriage 19
- miscarrying 22
- monocarpous 22
- multicarbon 23
- myocarditis 20
- noncarriers 16
- overcareful 23
- pericardial 19
- pericardium 22
- picaresques 27
- picarooning 21
- pilocarpine 22
- procaryotes 19
- pseudocarps 22
- radiocarbon 19
- reincarnate 16
- scarabaeids 18
- scarabaeoid 18
- scaramouche 23
- scaremonger 20
- scarequotes 24
- scarlatinal 17
- scarlatinas 16
- schizocarps 31
- scratchcard 23
- subcarriers 18
- supercargos 20
- tachycardia 22
- travelcards 20
- vicariances 22
- vicariously 22
- woodcarvers 22
- woodcarving 25
- acarologies 14
- carbolizing 25
- cariosities 13
- carnivories 16
- carpologies 16
- cartooniest 13
- polycarpies 20
- recarpeting 16
- scarinesses 13
- acarpellous 15
- achaenocarp 20
- acrocarpous 17
- allocarpies 15
- anacardiums 16
- basidiocarp 18
- calcariform 20
- carageenans 14
- caramboling 18
- caramelling 16
- caravaneers 16
- caravanings 17
- carbamidine 18
- carbimazole 26
- carbolising 16
- carbonettes 15
- carbonisers 15
- carbonizers 24
- carbonylate 18
- carburating 16
- carbureters 15
- carbylamine 20
- carcinology 19
- cardcastles 16
- cardialgias 15
- cardialgies 15
- cardiomotor 16
- cardophagus 20
- cardpunches 21
- carduaceous 16
- carfuffling 23
- caricaturas 15
- carilloning 14
- carillonist 13
- cariousness 13
- carnalising 14
- carnalizing 23
- carnaptious 15
- carnationed 14
- carnificial 18
- carnosities 13
- caromelling 16
- carousingly 17
- carpellates 15
- carpentaria 15
- carpologist 16
- carthamines 18
- cartologies 14
- cartophiles 18
- cartophilic 20
- carunculate 15
- carunculous 15
- caryatidean 17
- caryopteris 18
- cystocarpic 22
- discardment 17
- encarnalise 13
- encarnalize 22
- endocardiac 17
- escarmouche 20
- excarnating 21
- excarnation 20
- healthcares 19
- hydnocarpic 24
- hypercarbia 23
- incardinate 14
- incarvillea 16
- maccaronies 17
- monocardian 16
- muscardines 16
- myocardiums 21
- overcarried 17
- overcarries 16
- pericardiac 18
- pericardian 16
- pericarpial 17
- persicarias 15
- pilocarpins 17
- polycarpous 20
- postcarding 17
- pothecaries 18
- procaryotic 20
- pyrenocarps 20
- rhizocarpic 29
- scarabaeans 15
- scarabaeist 15
- scarcements 17
- stenocardia 14
- stereocards 14
- subcardinal 16
- urticarious 13
- xylocarpous 25
- zygocardiac 29
There are 263 11-letter words containing car in the well-known word game dictionary, 141 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 253 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 161 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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